Senior Product Designer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
The basics
  • The product: We're building the first subscription intelligence platform that empowers finance teams to get real-time snapshots of how their subscription business is performing!
  • The way we work:
    • This is a remote job - work anywhere you want, and in any timezone on earth (or outside earth, whatever).
    • We are an asynchronous team - we don't do scheduled meetings, and rely on each team member to pick their own schedule and to communicate clearly in writing and with recorded videos.
    • We operate completely autonomously - no one will tell you what to do, we'll just tell you the goals and you will figure out how to work towards them with the rest of the team.
  • The role you'll play on our team:
    • You'll be our first full-time designer (we have a very talented and delightful part-time designer you'll collaborate with)
    • You'll get to know our customers deeply and collaborate with them to not only design new features, but also make our current features exceptional.
    • You'll be a thought leader on how to make our product as accessible, effective, and awe-inspiring as possible.
  • Like all start-ups we're scrappy, but not scrappy on compensation: Subscript is committed to paying our awesome team members at market-rate, including benefits.

Our interview process

Our interview process is designed to focus on your skills as a designer, and your ability to communicate clearly (both written and via recorded video). We're a fully asynchronous company, so that's how we will communicate in this interview process too 🙂
  • After reviewing your application and portfolio, we'll ask you to work on an asynchoronous Portfolio Review. You'll get a few prompts to reflect on a previous project, and we'll have discussion (questions, comments, feedback) back and forth in the doc.
  • If that goes well, we're excited to see you in action! You'll get a project prompt related to our actual Subscript product. You'll also get a chance to asynchronously ask questions about the product, our target customers, the specific feature in the prompt, etc, so you can use this context for your project. For your project output, you'll create a design and record a video talking through your thinking, so we can get a window into how you approached the design challenge (you will be compensated for this project upon completion!).
  • Lastly, you'll have a synchronous Culture Fit interview with a team member, where you'll also get a chance to ask questions about the company culture and anything else that'd be helpful for you to know!
  • And finally, hopefully we'll send you an offer.  And hopefully you'll accept!