Senior PHP/Laravel Developer: Your Dream Work Environment - remote

Attention Senior Backend Developers: “Skyrocket Your Career As A Developer In The Dream Work Environment – While Solving Interesting Problems And Working With A Clean Codebase”
You’ve finally found it…
The perfect work environment to skyrocket your career as a developer.
If you’re a talented, experienced and ambitious backend developer, then this page could literally change your life!
But only if you keep reading.
iPhone Photography School is the world’s no. 1 online photography resource. To stay at the top, we need to be excellent at everything we do, including development.
On the surface, our development needs look simple, but there's a lot more going on behind the scenes. In fact, our business is built on complex development solutions that we've created from scratch.
Right now, we’re looking to expand our team with the best people so we can achieve even more.
To attract the most capable developers like you, we’ve created the dream work environment for building your career.
8 Reasons To Build Your Career As A Developer At iPhone Photography School
1 - Solve Interesting Problems
Most of our development solutions are built from scratch and are customized to our needs.
This includes our payment and upsell system, our online learning platform and iOS app, and our proprietary algorithms that decide how millions of dollars are spent on Facebook ads.
We have an AWS server set-up with load balancers, we use Docker and Circle CI for continuous integration, and we’ve got automated testing for everything.
The point is, you’ll never be bored working here.
2 - Work With A Clean Codebase
Tell me if this sounds familiar to you: a nice piece of code you’re trying to push seems to be breaking a different part of the system. As you open the problematic code, the first words you utter are “Who the **** wrote this?”
We don’t work like that.
We spent all of 2017 to clean up our codebase and rarely will you find better-kept code. If we touch one part of the system, we make sure it still integrates perfectly with the rest.
This long-term approach saves you a lot of frustration and lets you focus on the problem at hand.
3 - Endless Opportunities To Grow
You love being a developer because you experience growth every single day. Each completed task comes with an exciting feeling that you’ve learned something new. This rush makes you want to jump on the next assignment and continue growing.
We get how important growth is for developers.
Want to master a new framework, tool or expand your skill set (e.g., learn about AI and deep learning)? Find the appropriate online course and we’ll pay for it.
Want to use your new skills for real life solutions? We’ll encourage you to do it.
4 - Get Expert Guidance
Our developers are ninjas. But we don’t expect them to know everything. Even the best developers sometimes need expert help to complete the most challenging tasks.
If there’s something outside of our team’s comfort zone, we provide them with experienced mentors in the particular area.
Besides that, you can always get help from other people on the team. They know how to achieve almost anything with code.
Join our team, and you’ll get guidance from the top experts in the business.
5 - Stay In Control Over Your Own Time
Have you ever experienced this situation: your boss angrily asks you about a feature that had to be launched already… while you had no clue it was a priority?
You abandon all other tasks and end up working late in the evening to ship the feature – only for a new urgency to come up the next day... And this cycle repeats itself again and again.
We do things a little differently. Because we use the scrum methodology, our developers know everything they’ll have to do in any given week in advance. And we stick to our plans.
This means you can schedule your time however you want, as long as you get the job done.
6 - Work From Anywhere In The World
We understand that the best developers like to work on their own terms. So you can do this job from anywhere in the world – including your home, our office in Latvia, or any paradise location!
If the initial collaboration turns out to be successful, our company will pay for a week-long trip to Latvia where you’ll meet the rest of our team and get acquainted with our company culture.
7 - Stability You Can Count On
Most startups have huge ambitions - and little or no revenue. If you've spent months or years of your life in an exciting new company that never really takes off, you already know how frustrating that can be.
Rather than burning investor money, iPhone Photography School is highly profitable and our growth is funded from our own revenue. We had explosive growth last year, and we will 2X our business again in the next 12 months.
You don't have to worry about the company running out of money.
8 - Millions Of People Will Use Your Code
Helping others is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life. While this is something that everyone should practice in their daily life, you can also do it while earning a living.
During the last 30 days alone our website has been visited by 2,063,297 different people, and this number is increasing rapidly as our impact continues to grow.
Your work will help millions of people take better photos and capture the beauty of the world.
Here’s What We Expect From You…
- You’re excellent at PHP
- You’ve worked with Laravel, Rest APIs and LEMP
- You've worked as a full-time developer for at least 3 years
- You have a proven track record in building reliable IT systems
- You want to participate in scrum teamwork
- You have an excellent attention to detail
Please only apply if you meet all these criteria. Other applications will not be considered.
APPLY HERE: https://iphonephotographyschool.com/developer/?utm_source=github
If you delay submitting your application, someone else will be hired before you.