Product Engineer - remote
Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
Overview is a groundbreaking hosting and development tool for web applications of all types. Backed up European venture capital, the company has grown into a competitive player in the cloud hosting industry, with clients ranging from the small developer to major web agencies and blue-chip enterprises running significant infrastructure deployments or fleets of hundreds of sites. Our technology stack -- the one we’d like to hire you to help build -- makes this experience as seamless and full-featured as possible for every client.

We are looking to expand the engineering team that builds this tool into a self-service product across that entire range of clients. This means software components that do everything from furnish the end-user experience in the web browser or on the command line, to the web applications that handle user authentication &access control, billing, white-label versions of the product, data reporting, staff services, and so on. 


We have serious web applications written in Go, PHP, Python, and JavaScript, all of which are critical to some part of our interaction layer for users. Taken together, they form a key piece of our cloud hosting and devops tooling product -- if you’re especially interested in the devops and cloud solutions space, then we’re especially interested in you. Being comfortable tackling programming problems from the architecture level all the way down to proper code implementation is also important to us -- though we are growing fast, the team is still small, the to-do list long, and engineers generally have a great deal of autonomy to implement features and drive the product forward.  Your contribution matters.

Skills &Requirements 
  • You should be a proficient software engineer with at least one of the following languages:
    • Go
    • PHP
    • JavaScript
    • Python

  • You should also be proficient in the domain of web application developmentgenerally, with domain knowledge that broadly addresses at least some of the following areas:

    • Git-based workflows and software projects across multiple repositories and codebases
    • User authentication and authorization flows between online web applications
    • E-commerce workflows, recurring billing operations, reporting, etc.
    • Multi-service or cross-application interaction and design
    • Implementation of web applications according to open standards (i.e. RFCs et al.)

This is a remote job. Work from anywhere!

We are a worldwide distributed team and are looking for a product manager who can perform well working remotely. You’ll need to be able to effectively collaborate across time zones while being given a high level of independence and autonomy.