Growth Marketer - remote

Optimal Digital Marketing
Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
Summary of Position
Growth Marketers maintain relationships with their small set of clients, oversee all work done for their clients, communicate the value of what we do, and work together with our talented team to develop quarterly digital marketing strategies that help our clients reach their goals.

Interested applicants with years of experience ranging from 3-10 years are welcome to apply. Optimal has career progression opportunities for all roles at the company. If applicable, we may move your application to an advanced opportunity with higher experience and required skills

Local and remote applicants are welcome to apply for this position.

About This Role
Client Management

Each Growth Marketer manages a handful of clients and is responsible for completing work, delegating and managing work, hitting their set quarterly goals, reporting, and maintaining client retention. Growth Marketers meet or do video calls with clients monthly, as well as provide ad hoc communication regarding project updates via email and phone calls.


Growth Marketers diagnose and determine the levers that will most move a business forward and generate revenue. Growth Marketers work with our talented, cross-functional team for assistance in refining, improving, presenting, and carrying out quarterly goals.


Growth Marketers break down monthly goals/objectives into milestones and weekly tasks. Strong project management skills allow them to communicate, delegate, keep things on track, and ship work.


Our Growth Marketers are experts in knowing their client's goals and work expectations. They work with the right individuals to get high-value work completed or, if they possess that unique ability, perform that work for their clients themselves. Our Growth Marketers have the autonomy of determining the best way of getting work done for their clients.


Growth marketers are radically transparent in their reporting - internally and with our clients. They seek to connect activity with tangible revenue growth. They set up and track all calls, form submissions, and page interactions for campaign initiatives, giving us insight through the buyer journey. This involves detective work and diligence to connect multiple systems together.

Team Player

Our Growth Marketers are team players. They fill in where needed, assist the team, and collaborate as a group to be successful. Growth Marketers help the business grow through continuous improvement, candid feedback, quality control and process improvement.

What We Are Looking For
  • 3-5 years of client management experience
    • More experience welcome to apply. We may move your application to an advanced opportunity with a higher experience and skill requirement.
  • WordPress and/or landing page builder experience
  • Experience with one or more of the following:
    • Google Ads
    • Facebook marketing
    • Design (Graphics, web pages, email headers, social ads, etc.)
    • Development (WordPress, Divi, Instapage, Shopify, etc.)
    • Conversion Rate Optimization
    • Email Design/Development
    • Marketing Automation
    • Website or Ad Copy Creation
    • Ecommerce Advertising
    • Campaign Tracking, Analytics, Reporting
  • Able to commute to our Appleton office* (all travel is currently on hold until mid-2021 with COVID-19)
    • Fully remote employees fly in quarterly
  • You feel aligned with our mission, values, and company culture
  • Autonomy;you take ownership of how work is completed
  • Flexible work hours
  • Ability to work remote
  • Paid continuous education opportunities
  • Transparent and actionable role/growth opportunities
  • Paid vacation and paid holidays
  • Extended leave policies - Maternity/Paternity/Medical
  • Group health insurance for employees and families
  • Short-term disability insurance
  • Long-term disability insurance
  • Group term life insurance
  • Voluntary life insurance options
  • Option for 401k contribution

How to Apply
We want to understand how you think. To help us, please send your cover letter to share with us, along with your application.

We value great writers, so take your time with the application. Keep in mind that we do not equate length with substance, so please keep your cover letter to fewer than 1500 words. Stock cover letters won't do - tell us why you want this job, not just any job.

We can’t wait to hear from you!