Director of Operations (Marketplace Supply) - remote

Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
Scaled is a high growth, early stage recruiting company reimagining the remote recruiting process for high growth tech startups. Scaled’s founder/CEO is a Silicon Valley “unicorn” founder. The recruiting process for remote talent at tech startups is in many ways broken and highly inefficient. Scaled is on a mission to create a 10x better experience for startup founders in hiring their next team members. Scaled seeks to expand its model quickly and ultimately take on the largest talent placement agencies in the world. We are motivated by bringing economic opportunity to people around the world who wouldn’t otherwise have it.

Scaled is looking for a Director of Operations to lead all of its candidate supply efforts. Scaled’s access to the best talent globally will make or break its success. If Scaled is able to find a high volume of great candidates to place with its client companies -- Scaled will be a behemoth recruiting technology company. If Scaled is unable to do this -- it will stay small. The goal of the Director of Operations (Marketplace Supply) is to lead these efforts and make Scaled the best in the world at identifying and accessing top talent globally.

We are looking for a remote candidate based anywhere, likely in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Europe, or Africa.

This is a role that would be ideal for someone looking to invent from scratch the technology, tools, and systems necessary to identify and access the best sources of top talent globally. The ideal candidate is a self-motivated, “founder” type who is excited to work with an extremely high caliber team of about 15 people at a high growth, early stage startup on a mission to grow enormously and bring economic opportunity to people globally. 

This work is on the cutting edge of recruiting globally. The sources of great talent are extremely fragmented across dozens or hundreds of online channels. Nobody is aggregating these sources. Aggregating these sources is a huge challenge operationally -- but also a huge opportunity. If and when we solve this problem, it will convert Scaled from a “regular” tech-focused recruiting agency to a powerhouse recruiting technology marketplace. This role will be critical in making that happen.

The Director of Operations (Marketplace Supply) will:
  • Continually research and identify all possible sources of great candidates globally, including well known and niche job boards, companies that provide candidate sourcing as a service, web scraping, already-existing free or paid databases, communities of talent housed in Slack / Circle / newsletters / etc, and others.
  • Test all of these sources rigorously and identify which work and which don’t to bring great candidates quickly. Keep and scale the sources that work;kill the ones that don’t. These are classic digital marketing skills applied to a specific problem: using digital channels to find and optimize online sources of great candidates.
  • Hire “channel managers” under you to manage, grow and optimize the sources that work. For example, in the future you might recruit and hire a Head of Job Boards, a Head of Web Scraping, a Head of Referrals or others under you to manage each of these sources of great candidates.
  • Work closely with our Product Manager (Talent Cloud) to warehouse all the candidates you are finding in our proprietary database of great candidates that our team uses to find great candidates and connect them with our clients.
  • Project manage all of this work in an organized, rigorous, structured way. One reason nobody has aggregated these sources is because there are so many out there and they are highly varied in how to use and optimize them. This is a huge operational challenge. Solving this problem will require a highly organized person who knows how to use Asana or other tools to create a roadmap, communicate it out to a team, set timelines, assign responsibilities, and follow up rigorously on the outcomes of the tests you are running.
  • Collaborate across the whole team to find new ideas for candidate sources, work closely with our Recruiters and Sourcers to see what’s working and what’s not working, share out progress regularly on this core company priority, and celebrate your and the team’s wins alongside everyone.
  • You will be part of an early stage growth team. We are a close team of high caliber, humble, self-aware folks on a mission that matters. You bring a fun, humble attitude that’s always looking to leverage your strengths and grow in your weaknesses.

Your attributes:
  • Skilled project manager in a complex environment. The biggest challenges in aggregating fragmented candidate supply channels are a) the huge volume of potential sources of supply, and b) how varied the sources are in how to use, grow and optimize them. You will be highly skilled in identifying the potential sources of candidates, prioritizing the tests in a strategic way, managing a team against these tests, and having the judgment to double down on what’s working and kill what’s not.
  • Digital marketing basics. We don’t need you to be world-class at Facebook or AdWords marketing. However, we need you to know the basics of how to run tests in new digital channels, the key metrics to look at when determining a test’s success or failure, and the principles behind digital marketing.
  • “Founder” approach to solving problems. We’re a high growth, early stage startup. We are solving a huge problem in the world. You will be one of the most senior people on the team. We need you to take ownership of your work, drive your work in an innovative and independent way, communicate out clearly and regularly about your strategy and progress, and enjoy working with a broad team to solve big problems.
  • Optimistic. Our team is full of happy, motivated, optimistic people. We work in an entirely remote environment with periodic in-person meetups. We’re spread across the Americas and Europe. We love the work we do and are motivated to achieve big things. We understand that setbacks are a normal part of being in an early stage company but we make the right decisions for the long term and have great faith that our efforts will result in outsized impact over the long term.
  • Mature, fully formed adult. We are a team of adults who are mature in their careers. We’re low-drama and no-politics. Work is very important to us but we have lives and identities outside of work. We seek positive and negative feedback in all our work and are always looking to grow. We’re mature enough to hunger for feedback about our work instead of being defensive about feedback when we receive it.

Likely skills and experiences:
  • 6+ years of professional experience
  • Digital marketing basics
  • Team management of 5+ people
  • Significant experience managing complex operational initiatives in a strategic and organized way

We’re excited about finding the next senior member of our team to partner with us in building something new and innovative in service of a huge growth opportunity and important mission. If you’re still reading this and think you could be a perfect fit, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’d be delighted to hear from you.