DevOps Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
Stack Overflow


We know that headhunters are already beating down your door. We want to earn our right to work with you every single day.

We’re out to solve real world scale problems, and we need your help.

Simplero is a product-led SaaS company that helps coaches, authors, and speakers transform lives at scale through online courses and memberships. We’re an all-remote team of 35 trailblazers passionate about service, personal growth, and simplicity. We have helped over 2500 customers in 30 countries make over $225M. We’re changing lives, providing livelihoods, and our service is incredibly valuable. We’re a team united by our shared values of growth, ownership, service, and hunger.

We're looking to migrate from our current setup, with everything in one database in one AWS region, to hosting the app on our own iron, in two or more NOCs, on multiple continents (US and EU). And we need your help!

Yes, we know. Everybody’s moving to the cloud. Well, we like to zig where others zag (when it makes business sense). The reason for moving to our own servers is to be in control of our own destiny as much as possible, to protect our customers. Also, we’re not afraid of tackling challenges. And we think it’ll end up being cheaper in the long run, but we’ll see. We’re not doing it for the cost savings.

It's a big project, but by moving slowly and steadily, one step at a time, we'll get there. We don't have a hard and fast deadline, but the sooner the better.

What we do now

  • We're running a Ruby on Rails monolith app, with MariaDB as the database, plus PostgreSQL for logging, Memcached for caching, and ElasticSearch for full text search.
  • We're currently using RDS, ElasticCache, ElasticSearch, Classic Load Balancer, S3, CDN, and Route 53.

What we plan to do

  • Scale out hardware requirements and get data centers spun up
  • Use Terraform, Docker, and other relevant infrastructure tools to manage and automate our setup
  • Migrate each of the current AWS services out one at a time.
  • Partition our user base so customers are served from the relevant data center depending on their region.


What we absolutely require

  • You’re very smart and very quick at "getting" stuff.
  • You’ve managed hosting on your own hardware and accomplished similar projects before
  • That said, you’re great at figuring things out you’ve never done before.
  • You communicate well in writing, and you have at least one t-shirt to wear for video calls.
  • You can read code quickly and figure out what's going on.
  • You’re an absolute master at building the most efficient setup given the needs
  • Resilience, performance, and security without overengineering is your jam

What we could care less about

  • A degree in computer science—we're not scientists, we're engineers. (An unusual field of study might make for a good story, though. Do tell!) A physics degree is a plus, though.
  • Certifications—just show us what you can do.


What’s in it for you

  • Competitive salary
  • Remote work –We are a diverse and distributed team that uses Slack, Zoom, Notion and other tools to stay connected
  • Changing lives at scale. Making the tools that empower experts to make a living teaching others is seriously high-leverage work.
  • Be part of a lean, efficient, high-autonomy, high-accountability team.
  • Show exactly what you created AND know exactly how many customers benefit from it how often.
  • A team of A players to work with to help you execute on your roadmap
  • Know how great it feels when you make a customer’s day. You’re not locked in a room 4 floors away from anyone who talks to a customer: you’ll see the impact of each bug fix, “surprise and delight”tweak, and feature.

Other Benefits

  • Access to hundreds of hours of training material, books, workouts, etc.. For just about anything you want to learn about Internet business, personal growth, software development—if it’s not already in our virtual library, just ask.
  • Personal and professional coaching. Who do you want to be? How do you want to grow yourself and your career? We’ll help you get there.
  • 4 weeks of paid vacation + 10 holidays per year. Yes. We want you to get some perspective and rest.
  • Generous profit sharing. Since we don’t have stock options, this is how we do it.

What Sets Simplero Apart

  • No VCs. 100% customer and sweat equity funded, privately owned, and we’re not in it for an exit. We’re here to serve our clients and do work that matters for decades to come.
  • Profitable. Been in business for 11+ years. Solid, stable, proven company, product, and business model.
  • 2,300 active customers. Our customers have earned over $225M using Simplero.
  • Our founder &CEO is a developer and built the product himself for the first several years. Deep technical understanding and support all the way to the top.
  • We solve real problems for real people that are happy to pay us real money. We sign off each day knowing we made a difference in someone's life.
  • We do things differently from other companies. You'll see. We laugh a lot. We’re real with each other. We breathe. We care.
  • We have customers that have been with us for over ten years, and still love us as much as we love them!