Content Marketer - remote

CV Expert
Posted 1 year ago
We Work Remotely
We're looking for someone who is 
  • Ambitious
  • High Energy
  • Types Fast

If you're familiar with content marketing - great!
If not, as long as you're hungry and can learn fast, you'll go far with us.

  • Research and target keywords (ahrefs)
  • Write blogposts
  • Manage a team writers to churn out more blogposts 
  • Monitor google analytics and google search console
  • Do A/B testing on email capture forms (we can teach you how to do this)

We've been doing content marketing for 10 years now. We have lots of processes and best practices in place. At the start, you'll maintain these. But with time, we expect you to step things up and drive it to the next level.

This is a great opportunity for someone young and ambitious, looking for a steep career trajectory. We want you to grow with us, and you'll be working directly with the CEO to lead our content marketing efforts. This role can and will boost your career - Our last remote content marketer moved on to a marketing role with Stripe for USD 110k/yr.
The work will be challenging. Hours will sometimes be long. But you'll learn a lot, and the incredible feats you achieve will set up your career for the long run.

This role pays 2'000 - 3'000 USD/month depending on experience. We also pay out monthly bonuses on top of the base salary for hitting targets.

About Us
We're a regional CV writing company based in 4 countries. (Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia)

Previously, we operated across 4 domains. (with our highest domain rating at 40)

We're now merging all our 4 country domains into a single .com. Our target for this .com is a DR of 45+ by the end of 2023. 

This gives you a great chance to gain experience growing a brand new international website to a very high domain rating.

Our company has been 100% remote since 2018. We're open to working with anyone from anywhere in the world.