As a Customer Service Representative, you'll be taking inbound calls from Teladoc customers. You'll help connect patients with doctors, assist with patient registrations, verify memberships, set appointments, help manage billing, and troubleshoot basic technical issues.
If you're detail-oriented, discreet and professional, and able to overcome obstacles while maintaining a positive attitude, this customer service opportunity may be just what you're looking for.
This remote, flexible opportunity pays independent contractors $10/hour.
It’s remote and flexible.
You'll be taking calls and making money from the comfort of your own home.
Plus, you'll enjoy flexible scheduling, where you use a self-scheduling platform to select when you work and when you don’t. You'll have the freedom to schedule around your own needs, the needs of your family, and the important events in your life.
Hours of operation are Monday through Sunday, available in one of two blocks: 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET or 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM ET. You’ll be assigned to the block of your choosing and have the freedom to set your own schedule within that block.
If you're detail-oriented, discreet and professional, and able to overcome obstacles while maintaining a positive attitude, this customer service opportunity may be just what you're looking for.
This remote, flexible opportunity pays independent contractors $10/hour.
It’s remote and flexible.
You'll be taking calls and making money from the comfort of your own home.
Plus, you'll enjoy flexible scheduling, where you use a self-scheduling platform to select when you work and when you don’t. You'll have the freedom to schedule around your own needs, the needs of your family, and the important events in your life.
Hours of operation are Monday through Sunday, available in one of two blocks: 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET or 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM ET. You’ll be assigned to the block of your choosing and have the freedom to set your own schedule within that block.
Essential Functions:
- Answer incoming calls
- Review customer history as necessary
- Follow policy and procedure guidelines
- Register patients
- Verify memberships
- Add customer to the appointment queue
- Help answer billing questions and resolve billing issues
- Help with basic technical issues
- Document information and outcomes as necessary
About You:
Prior customer care experience is required. A medical background is a huge plus. You will need a paperless work area and cell phone free environment. In addition, successful Customer Service Representatives have the following characteristics:
- Detail oriented
- Excellent communication skills
- Able to maintain a professional environment
- Positive attitude
- Empathetic
- Integrity
- Self-sufficient and organized
- Able to utilize resources and work systems
- Able to maintain confidentiality and secure sensitive information
To be a Customer Service Representative for Teladoc, you will need a computer and equipment meeting the following specifications, at a minimum:
- Internet: High-speed, hardwired internet (no Wi-Fi or satellite)
- Operating System: Windows 8 or Windows 10
- Processor: Intel Core or Intel Pentium 4
- Memory: 2GB of RAM
- Monitor: Dual monitors, each capable of displaying at least 1024 x 768 pixels
- Sound: Sound card (standard on most computers)
- Virus Protection: Up-to-date anti-virus software
- Headset: USB noise-canceling headset
NexRep contracts with people in 34 states. The only states we do not currently contract in are: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, IL, MA, MD, ME, MO, NJ, NY, OR, RI, VT, and WA. We do not currently contract with anyone outside of the US.