Sysadmin/DevOps for Payments Startup - remote

Paysure Technology
Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely

We're a startup founded in 2017 and have developed a suite of working &tested applications focused on authorising payments initiated via payment cards. We are currently expanding and looking for new tech people to join our team.

Our product

Have you ever had to deal with travel insurance while staying in a foreign country? It's quite likely you had to have a lengthy call with your insurer, pay for the medical treatment out of pocket and then claim money back from the insurer once safely back home. What if you communicated with your insurer via mobile application and the insurer promptly sent you money to be used immediately to cover your expenses? How cool would be that?

Has your employer ever sent you on a business trip and asked you to pay for all your expenses with your personal debit card? Only to get reimbursed afterwards? What if your employer actually provided you with a payment card that could be used to pay for all authorised business expenses directly?

There are plenty of other scenarios that could be implemented with our B2B payment solution. Apart from that we provide our clients with back-office applications, mobile app and other products.

Our tech stack
  • All our infrastructure is hosted in AWS.
  • Infrastructure as code - Terraform.
  • Backend applications written in Python, dockerised and deployed to Amazon ECS.
  • Frontend applications hosted as static within S3 (and CloudFront).
  • Postgres (via RDS), Redis (ElastiCache), Elasticsearch, Apache Kafka.
  • CloudWatch, Grafana, PagerDuty.
  • Separate AWS environments (accounts) for individual clients.
  • Continuous integration and delivery using CircleCI.
  • Developers aim to maintain maximal test coverage - unit tests, acceptance tests, integration tests, and system tests.
  • Our preferred project management method is Kanban (Trello).
  • Our preferred communication tool is Slack

Our team

We are currently a rather compact technical team of 9 members - 6 backend developers, 1 frontend developer, 1 QA person and 1 sysadmin. We definitely need another sysadmin.​

The tech team is based in the Czech Republic, but the parent company is established in the United Kingdom + some team members do not speak Czech, so it's good to be able to speak English ...somehow. Being able to discuss code with your colleagues will be a plus, as part of the team works from other countries.

Our interview process
  • We review your CV/GitHub/code examples/other resources.
  • An introductory video call is scheduled - to get to know each other and have a friendly discussion about your work experience and your technical expertise.
  • In-depth technical discussion about system design, your approach to solving challenges related to infrastructure, incident resolution. We will choose a real-world scenario and discuss it with you thoroughly.
  • Requirements
    • You can hit the ground running and handle our infrastructure from day one.
    • You are familiar with either AWS (preferably) or any other cloud provider.
    • You understand networking concepts, you are reasonably familiar with topics related to security, you know the ins and outs of Linux (and its kernel).
    • You are familiar with various monitoring, logging and alerting tools.
    • You are truly passionate about system administration and you would love to move our stack forward (any suggestions are more than welcome!).
    • You design your solutions so that most incidents could be solved rather easily (or do not happen at all!).
    • You are able to work in an unstructured start-up environment. You escalate problems whenever you are stuck and also voice your opinions when needed, ultimately enabling us to innovate faster.
    • Your proactive and transparent approach will save us from any major hiccups since you solve problems before they ever reach the client.

    What if I don't have all the skills mentioned?

    No worries, we will still consider candidates who can tick the majority of boxes.

    • Remote-first company... forever.
      We've always been a remote company and will remain so even after the pandemic is hopefully over. We are remote-first, so are processes are adapted towards WFH arrangements.
    • Flexible hours
      You can schedule your hours flexibly during the week, we won't chain you to your desk at specific times. All we ask is that you are available to your colleagues at reasonable hours.
    • We are a tech company
      This means the quality of our tech products is crucial to our success and thus, by extension, your opinion is truly valued. We understand that doing things the right way pays off in the future. We operate with a horizontal structure;everyone, whether a developer or the CEO, is invited to help mould the product &strategy.
    • 5 weeks of paid vacation
    • Training budget
      Books, subscriptions, courses, conference tickets, you name it.
    • International environment
      Our HQs are located in the United Kingdom, our clients/prospects are from all over the world (South East Asia, North America, Europe), our team is international too.