Smart Contract Engineer (Solidity) - remote

Posted 3 years ago  • Burnaby, BC, Canada
Stack Overflow

Job Brief

Gluwa is looking for backend engineers to build a borderless financial platform powered by blockchain.

Gluwa is a platform composed of mobile app, API, and blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and our own Creditcoin). Together, they enable you to transact with anyone on the Internet without giving up control of your money.

Job Description

Develops and maintains smart contracts of Gluwa

Job Duties

Gluwa Specific Duties

  • Add new features according to the vision of Gluwa.
  • Identify and fix bugs from the codebase.
  • Determine operational feasibility by evaluating and analyzing problem definition, requirements, solution development, and proposed solutions.

General Duties

  • Document and demonstrate solutions by developing documentation, such as flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments, and exact code.
  • Prepare and install solutions by determining and designing system specifications, standards, and programming.
  • Improve operations by conducting systems analysis;recommending changes in policies and procedures.
  • Search, evaluate, and recommend 3rd party software products we should use.
  • Update job knowledge by studying state-of-the-art development tools, programming techniques, and computing equipment;participating in educational opportunities;reading professional publications;maintaining personal networks;participating in professional organizations.
  • Protect operations by keeping the information confidential.
  • Provide information to internal/external customers by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing development and service issues.
  • Accomplish engineering and organization mission by completing related results as needed.
  • Develop software solutions by studying information needs;conferring with users;studying systems flow, data usage, and work processes;investigating problem areas;following the software development lifecycle.