closed vacancy Senior PhD Data Scientist | Location Intelligence Application - remote

Posted 3 years ago  • Tampa, FL $95k - 175k (US Dollars)
Stack Overflow

Data Scientist for Big Data/Machine Learning Application

SiteZeus is a fast-growing startup disrupting the way growing companies select new locations with
Predictive Analytics based on big data and machine learning. We are seeking the best &brightest engineers to join our Product Development team to enhance our award-winning product suite. We are looking for a Data Scientist that will help us discover the information hidden in vast amounts of data and help us make smarter decisions to deliver even better products. Your primary focus will be in applying data mining techniques, doing statistical analysis, and building high quality prediction systems integrated with our products.

Position Responsibilities

Implement statistical methods to use for Predictive Analytics
Create Models which analyze multiple data sources and make appropriate forecasts (i.e. estimated sales)

Enhance data collection procedures to build analytic systems

Perform ad-hoc analysis and present results in a clear manner
Help import data from third party data sources
Regularly participate in Agile ceremonies including daily scrum, refinement, sprint planning and retrospectives
Make suggestions for process improvements consistent with our theme of continual process improvement
Provide necessary customer support when asked by providing requested data analysis and resolving issues within the SZ platform

Skills &Requirements

Must have a strong desire to provide the best possible user experience to delight customers

Experience with common data science toolkits (i.e. R, Weka, NumPy, MatLab)

Excellence in R and R Server is highly desirable

Must understand different statistical methodologies and good applied statistics skills, such as distributions, statistical testing, regression, etc.
Must have experience using machine learning and an excellent understanding of machine learning techniques and algorithms, such as k-NN, Naive Bayes, SVM, Decision Forests, etc.

Helpful to have performed a significant role in creating accurate Predictive Analytics on prior projects using big data

Advanced degree in Data Science helpful

Proficiency in using query languages such as SQL

Good applied statistics skills, such as distributions, statistical testing, regression, and so on

Great communication skills

Data-oriented personality

Must be passionate about continually learning new technologies
Must be able to work collaboratively as part of an Agile Scrum Product Team and contribute to discussions on technical design, peer code reviews, and so on
Must have a desire to participate in continually improving product development efforts
Experience with geospatial data is a big plus

Technology Stack

Our web application is a Single Page App currently built with Google Maps, Geospatial data,
ASP.NET MVC with C#, HTML5, CSS3, Typescript, Knockout, D3, SQL Server, R, R Server

We use Azure DevOps to host Git for version control and work items
Our application is hosted on Microsoft Azure