Senior Frontend Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely

Remote is THE global platform that enables companies to employ people anywhere in the world, taking away all legal and compliance complexities. Remote handles global payroll, benefits, taxes, and compliance for businesses big and small. (read more about how it works). 

Remote is fully remote (ah!) and you can read more about us in our public handbook. More specifically, the team you'll be joining: 25 engineers, spanning across Frontend, Backend, SRE and QA. We're organised into product teams composed with engineers, designers, product managers, operations and finance, each dedicated to achieving the same goals in a specific domain.

How we work

We love Working Async and this means you get to do your own schedule. The Remote Engineering team uses a simple approach to productivity and task management and you can read more about it in The Remote Flow.

We empower ownership and proactivity and when in doubt default to action instead of waiting.


  • Previous experience working as Frontend Engineer/Developer for at least 4 years
  • Solid understanding of JavascriptES6
  • Proficient with React
  • Experience in writing meaningful tests to React apps, with Jest and React Testing Library or Enzyme
  • Interest in build pages with performance, accessibility and API design in mind
  • Attention to the details when implementing UI mockups made by our amazing design team.

Experience Bonus

  • Next.js
  • Cypress
  • Elixir/Phoenix
  • Docker
  • GitLab CI


  • Unlimited personal time off - Read our Time off policy
  • The equipment/tools you need to do your job well and comfortable
  • Training budget
  • Good salary and company options

Application process

  • (async) Application is reviewed by your future manager (CTO)
  • Interview with the recruiter
  • Interview with the CTO
  • (async) Code exercise (async, no deadline, a very simple exercise)
  • Interview with the team (no managers on the call, just for you to get a sense of who you'd be working with)
  • (async) Offer