Senior frontend engineer - remote

airfocus GmbH
Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely
  • Develop new awesome features for our product
  • Maintain and improve the codebase
  • You deconstruct recurring problems into their single pieces to produce highly modular and reusable code

  • Profound knowledge in React and TypeScript (+5 years experience)
  • Profound knowledge in modern CSS
  • Experience in modern HTTP Rest APIs
  • Knowledge in writing tests
  • Agile mindset
  • Working autonomously as well as being a team player
  • You could win a debate on tabs vs. spaces conducted entirely in English ;)
  • Nice to have: Experience with Docker

You'll join a diverse and talented team, with plenty of opportunities for personal growth, impact, and learning.

  • Truly awesome team and outstanding tech.
  • Boost your personal development and gain new skills in an exhilarating space.
  • Competitive compensation based on prior experience. 
  • Permanent contract and flexible working hours.
  • MacBook Pro or notebook and monitor of your choice.

  • Language: latest TypeScript
  • Foundation: React, react-router
  • State management: Strongly typed custom react hooks
  • Styling: css-in-js (Emotion)
  • Bundling: Webpack
  • Packaging: Docker
  • Testing: Jest
  • Quality: tslint, Prettier
  • Source code management: GitHub
  • Continuous integration: Drone CI
  • Provider: Digital Ocean
  • Orchestration: Kubernetes
  • Workflow: Continous deployment
We work in small cross-functional teams that usually consist of 3 developers, a designer, and a product manager. You’ll be part of the whole feature development lifecycle. You’ll see all the customer feedback and will be encouraged to come up with your ideas or objections.