Senior Frontend Developer - remote

Posted 1 year ago
We Work Remotely
We are looking for a passionate and proactive Front-end TypeScript Developer who shares our commitment to web3. 
You will help us develop user friendly, performant interfaces. 
You will collaborate with different team members and support collective success through consistent, high-quality code.

  • Intermediate knowledge of TypeScript programming language, paradigms and idioms
  • 2+ years of experience using React, Typescript &CSS in JS
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Open minded, collaborative and friendly
  • Knowledge of Git-flow, GraphQL &Unit testing
  • Knowledge of modern build pipelines and tools (CI/CD)
  • Basic understanding of common blockchain concepts
Nice to have
  • Built dapps with Solidity, web3.js or ethers.js before
  • Built apps with Next.js before
  • Used Vercel/Netlify or similar app deployment platforms
  • Familiar with, Docker, Hasura or Serverless
  • Full-Stack skills