Senior Frontend Developer - remote

Posted 3 months ago
We Work Remotely
+ Vue Frontend Engineer
We’re a team of builders looking to hire ONE Full-Time Frontend Engineer. This role isn't for just anyone—it's for a builder with a hacker mindset, looking at existing alongside a team.

+ Who We’re Looking For
  • We operate remotely, no hand holding. (We give you the freedom to build in ways that best solve problems, generate revenue, and iterate quickly.)
  • We deal in brutal truths, not excuses.
  • Extreme attention to detail.(We’re building precision tools. 99% isn’t good enough. We expect, demand, and deliver 110%.)
  • Available to work US PST business hours 

+ Your Toolkit Should Include:
  • You live and breathe Vue.js and TypeScript. (If AG-Grid or the Quasar Framework aren’t second nature to you, you learn it.)
  • Experience with ​​CI/CI Cypress for end-to-end testing.
  • Proven experience with Vue 3.0 Composition API and REST principles.
  • Experienced with other tech stack (Quasar, Vue 3.0 Composition API , Vue TanStack Query, Pinia, Supabase).

+ Interested?
  • Click here to apply
  • On question #4 asking you “What skills come easily to you?” just type the word “ skill ”