Remote Senior Front-end React Software Engineer (EU/UK only) - remote

Posted 3 years ago  • Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Stack Overflow

Remote Senior React Front-end Software Engineer


Exciting times! At Vavato we are building a development team from scratch to further the development of our auction platform, initially built by a 3rd party agency.

You will join our brand new Product Development department and team, have a high degree of responsibility, freedom to execute your job, and have a high impact on a rocket ship growth organization.


At Vavato you will find a relaxed, casual atmosphere (and occasionally see post-it blocks flying down the hallway in an attempt to punish a bad joke). We are young in spirit and lighthearted but work hard to reach our goals while maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

We expect everyone to take initiative and point out things we could be doing better or could do to improve the #HAPPYVAVATO experience for our buyers and sellers. Our management team is always happy to listen to your concerns and implement the best ideas. Together we are smarter and stronger.


We are looking for highly motivated individuals willing to be part of a growing start-up / scale-up adventure. As our Senior React Front-end Engineer, we expect you to have not only good knowledge of the React ecosystem and JavaScript in general, but also to bring "an eye for design" to our group of mostly full-stack developers.

  • You are on top of all the new React features and libraries rising in the ecosystem, and help our CTO in making technology choices concerning the front end.
  • You master and enjoy learning about all the latest CSS features and animation techniques
  • You care about semantic HTML and using the right element for the right section
  • You don't mind doing bits and pieces of Angular work in our legacy application and porting code from Angular to React as we go
  • You are not afraid to roll up the sleeves and dive into a little bit of our Ruby back-end code if something is not quite the way you need it for the UI, or if we go through a period where no UI work is required
  • You don't mind creating components for a new design system from scratch, together with our design team
  • You laugh when looking at the poorly aligned screens with questionable typography your full-stack colleagues made and find delight in getting them into their final shape and high-fiving your colleague for great teamwork.
  • You are our marketing department's best buddy in Product Development and collaborate with them in getting things into the perfect shape for our users

We expect you to take full ownership of your work, work hard, especially when needed - production issues can occur and have to be tackled, issues arise daily that require immediate attention to avoid hurting the company's bottom line. We try to structure the work as best as we can, but sometimes you will have to cope with chaos. Nothing at Vavato is somebody else's problem.

That doesn't mean we expect you to work long hours every day, on the contrary. We believe a healthy work/life balance is the key to keeping everyone at their most productive and happy. On rare occasions, it is necessary though, and we expect you to be flexible in the same way the company is flexible towards you with flexible working hours and unlimited holidays when it's called for.

You help carry the load, help your teammates, and push the company forward. There is plenty of room for learning and growth in our team. The intention is to make this company 10x bigger than it is today, with a focus on becoming a platform rather than just an auction house. Plenty of opportunities will be available down the road for people who are willing and capable.

We also expect you to have fun, love your job, love our customers, and enjoy the company of your colleagues ;)

Practices / Values

  • We deploy multiple times a day to production with zero downtime using Continuous Delivery
  • We follow the open-source model with our CTO being the benevolent dictator on the product and everyone contributing through pull requests
  • We believe in the values of Software Craftsmanship and in doing things "the right way", even under pressure.
  • We work directly with the stakeholders within the company without any proxy between the people who need a feature and the people working on it
  • We do unit testing, integration testing, black-box testing, and testing spanning the whole stack. This way you know that code that hits master is production-ready.
  • We use Kanban and release features as they become ready, without ever doing big bang releases and without creating "a release".
  • All of your code will be reviewed by a peer before being put into production to accelerate your learning and for your own ease of mind
  • Everything in our infrastructure is scripted either through Flux or Terraform to ensure reproducible builds and minimum downtime disaster recovery
  • We have hourly full backups of the database in case anything goes wrong
  • We have tested our disaster recovery plan extensively
  • We use trunk-based development, our branches are very short-lived, and we employ feature toggles to ship code to production as early as possible without making it visible to users. There is no staging or test environments, there is only production.


We don't expect you to know everything in the list, but the more the merrier. Solid experience with React is required though, and affinity with Ruby and Angular are a plus.


  • React (with Hooks, no Redux, no TypeScript)
  • Jest
  • Cypress
  • Angular 6 (legacy app)


  • REST / JSON API (No GraphQL yet)
  • Ruby 2.6.6
  • Rails 6
  • Rspec
  • Cucumber
  • Sidekiq
  • Redis
  • MySQL
  • PubNub


  • Google Cloud
  • Kubernetes and GKE
  • Github Actions CI
  • Docker
  • Experience with Continuous Delivery

Experience having worked on an auction platform before is a huge plus.


We believe giving you the best conditions to getting work done your way is in your and our best interests. We offer great work/life balance, good benefits, quality hardware and equipment.

  • Fully remote work
  • €4000 budget for MacBook Pro or Linux laptop of your choice + monitor + headset
  • Learning budget of €3000 per year for conferences and training
  • 1 free day a month to work on your pet project related to the company
  • Unlimited holidays
  • Coworking subscription or coffee shop allowance of €200/month
  • Company will refund your internet connection up to €100/month