Product Engineer - remote

BamSEC Inc
Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
BamSEC is a fast-growing SaaS business in the financial industry. Our thoughtfully-designed and powerful software platform makes it easier for financial professionals to research, analyze, and better understand companies. Our mission is to modernize financial research by automating the tedious and manual tasks so that analysts can focus on the actual analysis. Thousands of paying customers rely on BamSEC as a core part of their every-day workflow.

We are looking for a Product Engineer to help us build core product functionality for BamSEC.  Join our small all-remote team and help us build the next generation financial research platform!

About the Role

As a Product Engineer on our small team, you will have an opportunity to have a direct, tangible impact on the product by leading the development of entire features and major improvements. And you will also have an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to architectural decisions we make as a team while moving quickly without bureaucracy getting in the way.

Given our product and feature set, most of the work will be back-end-heavy. There are several interesting technical challenges that we are tackling, primarily around extracting structured data out of unstructured documents, improving our data classification algorithms, merging data sets from disparate sources, improving our processing pipelines, and more.

Tech that we use, primarily: Python, Celery, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, S3. You should be very comfortable in Python, and familiarity with the rest of the stack is a plus. We use JavaScript / React on the front-end, and if you know that, that’s a plus too.

If all that sounds interesting, we’d love to chat.

Why join us?

  • We are a very small team, but punch well above our weight in our space. Our clients range from some of the top investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms to consultancies, law firms, and academic institutions.
  • As a core part of our team, you will have the opportunity to have a direct, tangible impact on the product and contribute to major architectural decisions and improvements.
  • For many of the things we build, we start out knowing little about the domain, learn as we go, and become well-versed by the time we're done. You will have many opportunities to grow your skill set by doing the same.
  • We focus on building a great product for our users.  We keep meetings to a minimum and have no unnecessary chains of approvals or bureaucracy, so you’ll be able to focus on work that actually matters.
  • While we’re technically a startup, we work normal hours and value work-life balance. Our compensation is competitive - we will pay well for the right skill set and contribution.
  • We are all remote. We are in many different cities, but we still meet up for quarterly in-person company retreats when possible! Past highlights include Park City and NYC.

Engineering Culture

  • Our engineering roadmap is updated on a quarterly basis and refined monthly. We are a small company, so these planning discussions involve input from everyone on the team. Engineers work independently, although we of course discuss architectural and other key decisions as a team.
  • At the more granular level, we plan our engineering work in two-week cycles and use modern tools such as Linear to keep organized. To give everyone a chance to periodically take an intellectual “stretch break”, we incorporate regular Hackathons as well into our engineering development.
  • We avoid unnecessary deadlines - we would rather delay a launch than ship bug-ridden hacky code.
  • We are not writing code for the space shuttle, but we're not a simple CRUD app either. Most of our code deals with processing, analyzing, and organizing qualitative semi-structured data, and we prioritize writing code that is maintainable, resilient, and performant. We have a robust testing / CI infrastructure, do code reviews, and actively monitor for bugs and performance regressions.
  • Each chunk of work culminates in a Pull Request on GitHub, which is reviewed by at least one other engineer. Our CI pipeline runs tests and lints the code to ensure that code reviews can focus on bigger-picture items. Finally, all engineers are empowered to merge Pull Requests to master, which will automatically deploy to production.