Principal Software Engineer, General Staff - remote

Posted 7 months ago
We Work Remotely
Seeq makes data analytics software for a big market that’s often overlooked by tech companies: industrial process data. Think pharmaceutical manufacturers, wind farms, and energy companies with tons of equipment and sensors. Our software engineers tackle hard problems in streaming calculations, storage and distributed computing, and we create elegant data visualizations with smooth interactivity.

Our company is 100% remote and proud of it. We use a variety of collaboration tools, like Zoom, Slack, and our homegrown Qube Virtual Office, which makes us feel like we're in the same building together. We use agile tenets to iterate on both our product and development processes. We have a wonderful team of kind-hearted, talented engineers that love to collaborate, teach each other new tricks, and build products that exceed our customers’ expectations.

Our technology stack is largely JVM languages (Java, Kotlin) on the backend, and TypeScript + React on the frontend, but we also have a growing ecosystem of languages and frameworks we use for Machine Learning, Generative AI, and DevOps (Python, Terraform). The core of our product is a full-featured calculation engine that can perform complex math and execute machine learning algorithms on streaming time series data. The Seeq platform is enhanced by Python libraries and Jupyter notebooks to enable extensibility and data science workflows. Seeq SaaS (software-as-a-service) runs this functionality on a cloud-native infrastructure layer built in Kubernetes.

Skills &Requirements
You love to design and build great software. Elegant, extensible, and maintainable architecture brings you joy.

You are typically one of the most highly productive engineers in your company or team. You are constantly finding ways to perfect your craft, be a better teammate, and come up with cool stuff. You recognize when something needs to be improved and don’t wait for it to be pointed out. You have a consistent record of shipping products or features rapidly, demonstrating proficiency in a continuous delivery model. You are eager to pair-program with colleagues, can review others' code quickly and make the entire team faster with your teaching and guidance.

You are typically among the most product- and user-focused engineers in your company or team. You seek out regular customer interactions, you can articulate the “why” behind features and use cases, you explain pain points to your fellow engineers. You are equally energized by working on large projects and by fixing the little things that annoy users.

You’re disciplined with a high attention to detail. You evangelize unit testing, continuous integration, and elegant solutions. You are allergic to bugs and have to take care of them immediately. You delight in burning technical debt when you refactor code.

You’re flexible, versatile, reliable, and learn quickly. You regularly bring new technologies and methodologies to the team and cultivate a high degree of influence as a technological thought leader, while giving your teammates the respect they deserve. You meet deadlines through wise planning, prioritizing, and accurate estimates, proactively communicating adjustments that need to be made well in advance. You typically mentor 2 or more colleagues on technical skill at any one time.

You proactively solicit feedback and are candid about communicating your own growth opportunities with your manager(s) and colleagues. You provide constructive feedback to teammates and respect their autonomy.

You are comfortable working across the tech stack. You are proficient in a JVM language (Kotlin, Java, Scala, etc.) or Python for backend functionality. You want to work with databases (Postgres), distributed computing (Kubernetes) and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure). When you work on the front-end, you want to build beautiful pages for our Typescript + React application. You are an expert in at least one of these technologies. You're interested in finding the best tool to solve a problem without getting caught up in whether it's the new hip thing.

You are self-aware and want to have an impact that extends beyond your individual technical contributions. You see the big picture and work across boundaries seamlessly, focusing on outcomes and doing what’s right for the product and users.

You have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent relevant experience plus years of experience as a Staff or Principal software development engineer. You have led successful, large multi-developer efforts and enjoy helping others learn and attain their goals.

You are up for traveling occasionally to hang out with your colleagues and get some face-to-face time.

You want to be in a position at a company where a balance between work and life is possible.

You want to work with a diverse group of really smart people that love working together. And you want to work for a startup with lots of happy customers, good investors and a bright future.

You will answer the following question in your application cover letter: “What makes Seeq a good fit for you?”

The Perks of Working at Seeq
  • Many communities around the US are incentivizing remote workers. Seeq's work from anywhere (WFA) policy may enable you to take advantage of these programs. 

  • Important benefits like this (because we want you to be happy):

    • Freedom PTO

    • Internet and mobile phone reimbursement

    • Home office allowance for equipment needed to work efficiently

    • The best co-workers (we've analyzed the data, so we know it's true)

    • Pet-friendly workspace (your animals will be so happy to have you home)

    • Loving your job!