Part-time Marketing Contractor for Growth Agency - remote

Mammoth Growth
Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
We're growing like crazy at Mammoth Growth and as often happens, our own marketing is suffering while we help our clients optimize theirs.

We're looking for a marketing consultant that can help us on a part-time basis:
- Coordinate a revamp of our website, both design and content
- Craft an automation outreach strategy for prospects, customers, and partners
- Build case studies and sales collateral including pitch decks
- Launch new business lines in Q1

This is a block and tackle opportunity.  We're looking for someone that can line up the right resources, manage the project and see things to completion efficiently.  B2B technology marketing experience (for agencies or applications) preferred. 

If you think you're a fit, please send a short note about how you could help, and include the sum of 12 and 14 somewhere in your message.

Mammoth Growth is a 50+ person data analytics and growth agency. We help our clients aggregate accurate, reliable, consistent data and use to to grow their businesses.