Marketing Coordinator / Social Media &Content Writer - remote

Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely

Connection, Creativity &Momentum.
Every day, a professional coach or consultant discovers ZipMessage and uses it to give their clients a better way to swap messages asynchronously. Our customers love that it helps them scale their client relationships. Their clients love how easy it is to use.

You can help us reach and connect with more of our people.

If what you read below speaks to you, then please apply to become our first marketing coordinator at ZipMessage.

A small, independent SaaS company
It’s early days here at ZipMessage. We’ve seen solid traction through our first year and I’m looking for a marketing collaborator to help me keep this momentum going.

I’m Brian Casel, Hi 👋. I lead our product team and I also shape the direction of our marketing and branding. We’re a small team and I intend to keep it that way as we grow.

But if I’m honest? I need your help 😬

We’ve had some early marketing wins. Some things are in motion. But we have lots more in our marketing roadmap. Things to write and create. Systems and processes to develop. Relationships to build. Projects to launch and ship. I need a creative collaborator to bring our marketing projects to life and own the execution.

The marketing coordinator role
If you were designing your dream role, you'd probably describe it in this way — But if something here isn't quite you, that's OK. If you're interested, please still apply :)

✍️ Writing &content
Most of our work starts with writing. Whether it’s an article, a social post, a video script, or a personal email, you sweat over every word and strive to strike just the right tone for the person on the other end.

🙋 People &relationships
You’re a natural when it comes to connecting with people—especially customers. You’re naturally curious and eager to help. Always positive, real and constructive. Our “brand” is the vibe our customers feel when connecting with us. This role is about fostering these relationships, both 1-to-1 and at scale.

🤓 Projects &process
As messy as the creative process can be sometimes, you have a knack for turning that chaos into order, organization, and efficiency. From planning new projects, to seeing that our marketing engines run on time and on point. You own it, and you love managing every last detail.

Let’s talk specifics

Among the things you will own:
  • Using social media to connect with our customers and partners
  • Writing and editing blog articles &our content roadmap
  • Pitching and writing guest articles, mentions, and quotes
  • Interviewing our customers and developing case studies
  • Running outreach campaigns, personalizing and optimizing
  • Welcoming new customers and getting to know them
  • Tracking marketing performance and running reports

Additional projects you might take on:
  • Pitching new ideas for marketing projects and customer growth
  • Creating new guides, ebooks, workshops and the like.
  • Building marketing automations
  • Producing video content
  • Hosting podcast interviews
  • Organizing virtual or in-person meetups

Things to know about this position:

  • Location independent 
    However, North America or Europe are preferred. I'm based in Connecticut and the ideal is to find someone with plenty of timezone overlap.

  • Remote work + Asynchronous communication
    Day-to-day, we're fully remote and we lean on asynchronous communication (ZipMessage, Slack, etc.) whenever possible. We'll meet live occasionally for collaboration, but we're very anti-zoom-fatigue here 😉

  • Calm, flexible hours 
    Yes, we value speed, efficiency, and making our best working hours count. NO, we won't sacrifice our rest time, family time, happiness, and personal mental and physical health for the sake of "hustle". Set your own hours and your own pace.

  • Part-time or full-time 
    I’m open to both. Please specify which you prefer or can or can’t do. Either way, expect this to be a steady, long-term position where you’re as much a part of our team as anyone else.

  • Small, collaborative team.
    You’ll be directly involved in big creative decisions and directions, collaborating with the founder (me :) and others as our small crew grows in the coming months and years.

  • It's a new role. We're a young company. Help make it great. 
    This is a new role in a young company so I'll value your input when it comes to shaping the ideal structure for this position and all of our positions going forward.

Is this for you? Please apply.