Marketing Coordinator - remote

McCarty Holsaple McCarty Architects and Interior Designers
Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely
Marketing Coordinator Job Description



Supports principals and senior staff in marketing efforts.

Prepares marketing materials and submittals to achieve the high level of quality consistent with the firm's objectives.

Works with design director and staff to conceptualize, design and implement creative graphic marketing materials reinforcing the firm’s brand 

Coordinates with principals to confirm and organize marketing objectives.

Ensures effective creative direction, brand constancy and top standards/continuous improvement of marketing materials.

Coordinate with photographers for project photography for marketing.

Work with design director/principal/project team to assure photography attains shot objectives and delivers as scheduled and within budget.

Manage utilization and archive of all project photos.

Develop and design layouts of advertisements/sponsorships inclusive of copy and images.

Assist architectural teams for creative thinking as well as graphics for projects when needed.

Responsibility and coordination with staff/committees for website, MHM newsletter, blogs, social media, etc.

Generates timely press releases and develops relationship with appropriate media outlets

Supports business development through preparation of RFP/RFQ proposals and manages proposal assets, marketing resources and files.

Coordinates professional printing of marketing collateral, job signs, etc.

Develops calendar and monitors awards programs and assists architectural teams in the development of submissions. 

Develops list of publications and submits MHM work regularly 

Assists principals and senior staff in preparation of materials for speaking engagements/conferences

Assists principals in developing collateral for conference booths



  Writes or drafts marketing proposals, submissions and promotional materials.

  Maintains proposal files, marketing materials files, and project information files.

  Coordinates project photography and maintains photography files.

  Develops and maintains marketing prospects database, project database &mailing list.

  Assists principals and senior staff in developing strategic approaches to new and existing markets.

  Assists principals in the ongoing marketing education of staff members.

  Maintains the minutes of the marketing meetings.


Experience:                      2 or more years in graphic design/marketing. 

Education:                       Bachelor’s Degree in design, communications or related field preferred

Capabilities:                     Excellent written and verbal communications;graphic design skills and organization

Core Competencies:           Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, website and social media platforms


Reports to:

Principals - Marketing and Innovation