Machine Learning Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago  • Calgary, AB, Canada
Stack Overflow

Copia Wealth Studios is looking for Machine Learning Engineer to tackle the radical transformation underway in the finance space.

We have four core values that we believe make the ideal teammate:

  • Be Humble.
  • Be Humane.
  • Be Hungry.
  • Be Holistic.

Our first Product is a financial intelligence platform designed to help high net worth individuals (think business owners, family offices, entrepreneurs, and athletes) manage their investments. Our 'Patrons' track everything from art to crypto to real estate and business assets.

The team comprises veterans who have been shipping products for decades;we've been designing and developing native apps since the dawn of the iOS SDK. We've already unlocked early product-market fit, we're fully funded, and we have plenty of runway to match our ambitions.

We don't believe in code tests, but if you're interested in helping us build the future of finance, send a few samples of your work: GitHub, radars on Open Radar, or something else that represents work your proudest work.

About You

You love solving challenging problems and building robust features within cross-functional teams. You want opportunities to shape best practices, challenge product assumptions, and ship world-class software.

Regarding Culture:

  • You're someone who wants to make a direct impact on the Product.
  • You value having a stake in the company.
  • You have a good sense of humor and believe culture matters.
  • You value autonomy and appreciate flow state time.
  • You love learning and want to be on a team that will challenge you and gives you the freedom to grow.
  • You care deeply about delighting users and want to work on a team that strives for pixel perfection.

Regarding Tech:

  • You have experience designing and developing machine learning and deep learning systems.
  • You have experience running machine learning tests and experiments.
  • You have experience implementing appropriate ML algorithms.
  • You have experience researching and implementing appropriate ML algorithms and tools.
  • You have an interest or expertise in finance.
  • You have an interest or expertise with Elixir or equivalent web technologies.

Your Qualifications:

  • Solid back-end development chops. And a deep knowledge of maths, probability, statistics, and algorithms.
  • Worked on multi-discipline product teams before, either on the enterprise or consumer side.
  • Communication is king. We won't need you to present reports or talk to investors, but daily communication with the team, expressing concerns, and collaborating on problems is expected.
  • Open to sharing. We want to see your ideas, and we are hoping you could contribute to ours. We value strong opinions, weakly held.
  • Resilient &adaptable. You understand that building products can be messy and that agility is necessary.
  • Knowledge of Continuous Integration / Deployment. Collaboration matters!
  • Fluency in Git flows. Who doesn't love a good PR?
  • Experience working within agile environments. The market is moving fast.

What are some exciting challenges with the role?

The nature of our Product means we have to consider a ton of integrations. We have to connect to banks, investment platforms, institutional systems, and the like. Of course, the back end handles the heaviest lifting, but it does create unique UI/UX challenges as each user can have a unique perspective about how we present information.

We're also trying to create some very novel finance 'widgets' that will help non-financial users understand complex portfolios. For example, an "Efficient Frontier" that uses Monte Carlo simulations to run various portfolio scenarios. Another example would be our "fruit tree," a digital tree that bears more fruit as your investments mature.

And perhaps most crucially, we're building a document ingestion engine that requires creating several new user interaction paradigms.

What is the structure of our engineering team?

Our engineering team operates in 2-week sprints. Everyone on the team contributes regularly, and pull requests are a core part of life. Everyone has a direct impact on the Product and is actively involved in critical product decisions. We're using to manage the backlog from a process perspective, and we have regular sprint planning sessions and a long-term roadmap.

We believe in continuous integration and are all about functional programming. The team is very senior and open to fostering a supportive growth-minded work environment. We're using SwiftUI for the front, which is still bleeding edge for many folks. The back end is built almost entirely in Elixir.