Looking For An eCommerce Marketing/PPC Person - remote

HelloChakra LLC
Posted 4 years ago
We Work Remotely
You love numbers. You love PPC. You love advertising. You love growth. You love learning. You love expanding. You love bringing in results. You just love going into details, bids, audiences, ad-sets, and optimizing those on a regular basis.

The above sounds like you? We may be a fit for each other. Oh, and we are looking for someone who wants a full-time project mainly!

If you are not open to direct feedback, not willing to grow and learn, do not communicate effectively on top of that, do not learn from your mistakes and not willing to spend time every day learning (through books or courses, for example) - this job is not for you, please do not apply.

Who are we?

We have multiple eCommerce brands that we sell in the health and wellness space.

We are looking for an eCommerce PPC person that can help us with our PPC, and is hungry to learn and grow in the marketing space.

Who we are looking for?

- We are looking for a person that has a marketing brain and loves numbers.
- We are looking for someone who is very hungry to learn and grow.

Our requirements are:

- Great communication skills
- Great marketing knowledge.

Further requests?

1) Please submit your information in the following link to proceed: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSerOfhBCBDAPdDAlB91_rk5mELuKuH9PolFpaf-PoEmkRt_wQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link