Intermediate/Senior React Developer - remote

Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely

LassoCRM is a fully remote company with backend, frontend and QA team. Our product helps home builders and real estate developers maximize the number of sales leads that are converted to purchasers.

Our tech stack has been around for 15+ years and while we have some legacy - AngularJs, PHP, ExtJs - we also have some really nice contemporary tech authored in React and Kotlin.

Regularly we host a learning group, book club, game days and (until COVID became a thing) IRL dev meetups.

We need someone with commercial React experience, an understanding of functional programming and software design principles like single responsibility.

Don't expect us to ask you to write a bubble sort in our tech interview. We are WAY more interested in a pair programming session, seeing you create components and interacting with APIs.

  • Located in Canada or at least NA
  • Must eligible for Canadian/American employment
  • React functional components (and obviously hooks)
  • Solid communication skills both written and verbal
  • Ask questions when you don't know

Totally awesome if you have experience with...
  • StoryBook
  • css-in-js
  • ElasticSearch
  • Snowpack
  • TeamCity
  • JIRA
  • GitHub
  • Git
  • Jest
  • Mocha

If you like building software with people that like building software then let's chat so we can find out more about who you are.