iPhone Photography School
Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
You’ve finally found it…

The perfect job opportunity to skyrocket your career in hiring.

If that's what you've been looking for, then this page could literally change your life!

But only if you keep reading.

iPhone Photography School is the world's leading resource on iPhone photography. In fact, we're one of the most successful online education companies of any kind.

To stay at the top, we need help with hiring the best people for our team. And that's why we're looking for a Hiring Specialist.

7 Reasons To Join iPhone Photography School As A Hiring Specialist

1. Develop A Highly Marketable Skill Set In Hiring

If you know how to hire people, you’ll never be out of work. That's because every company in the world needs help with hiring. It's that simple.

But most companies don't know how to hire well. We know this because we used to be one of those companies. We’ve made so many embarrassing hiring mistakes...

Thankfully, we've learned from our mistakes. It took us 5 years and tens of thousands of job applications… But now we have one of the most efficient hiring machines in the world.

If you want to become a hiring expert, there’s no better place to do it than with us.

2. Help Brilliant People Find Their Dream Jobs

One of the things you love the most about hiring is the people.

Meeting and getting to know job applicants from all walks of life is incredibly exciting. And helping them with something as important as finding a job is truly rewarding.

We’re always looking for brilliant people to join our team. And we can offer them something very few companies can. Many of our employees say they have found their dream jobs with us.

Join us, and you'll be helping brilliant people find their dream jobs.

3. Take Our Company To The Next Level

We've been the subject of dozens of magazine articles, TV news segments, online videos and awards. People are fascinated by our success so far.

But we're only getting started. We're about to take online education to a whole new level.

Currently, our team is just 14 people. To achieve our ambitious goals we’ll need to hire many more. And these hires will make or break the future of our company.

That means your work will be critical to the future of our company.

4. Stay In Control Of Your Schedule

Every job will occasionally have emergencies and important deadlines causing you to work long hours. That's normal. But it becomes a problem when long hours are the norm.

That's not how we choose to work. We want (and even ask) our team members NOT to work long hours. That's because we're building our team for the long run.

And we don’t check every hour you spend working. Seeing the results is enough for us.
Join our team, and you’ll stay in charge of your schedule.

5. Stability You Can Count On

Most startups have huge ambitions – but little or no revenue. If you've spent years of your life in an exciting new project that never really took off, you already know how frustrating it can be.

Rather than burning investor money, iPhone Photography School has been highly profitable for years. We’ve never taken investor money. Our rapid growth has been funded by sales.

You won’t have to worry about our company running out of money.

6. Perks That Make A Difference

To get the best results, we have to offer the best possible work conditions.

Things like a top-of-the-line laptop, automated solutions for repetitive tasks, and investing in your education make your work more valuable. So providing them is a no-brainer for us.

We also want you to have a sense of belonging to our team. Even if you work remotely, you'll get to meet your coworkers in person at our regular team retreats.

Whether it's rafting through the wilderness, sailing to a remote island, or participating in an ancient sauna ritual, you’ll remember these adventures for years to come.

7. Join A Company You Truly Believe In

Many people don't believe that their company creates a positive impact on the world.

But our company is different. We help millions of people take better photos. And we make the most beautiful online courses in the world (you can watch a sample video below).

Every week we receive hundreds of heartfelt thank-you notes from our students saying we helped fill their lives with the joy of photography.

Join us, and you'll work for a company you truly believe in.

What Will You Do As A Hiring Specialist?

We get more than a thousand job applications each month. This number will continue to grow.

Your job will be to review these applications and decide whether we want to continue the hiring process with each candidate. You’ll also interview the successful candidates.

Over time, we'll be happy for you to take on more responsibilities in hiring. The more steps of the hiring process you can handle independently, the better it is for the company.

With that said, there could be times when hiring tasks won’t fill a full day of work.

That's when we'll expect you to contribute to other areas of the business based on your abilities and the needs of the company. It might be organising company events, managing social media or helping in customer support. But hiring will always remain your main responsibility.

Here’s What We Expect From You
  • We can trust your decisions in the hiring process
  • You can carry out professional job interviews independently
  • You have the patience to go through hundreds of job applications per day
  • You can “sell” our company to job applicants
  • You have an eye for what makes a photograph or a video clip visually appealing (you’ll often have to evaluate applications for visual jobs such as video editor)
This is a full-time position. You can do this job from anywhere in the world – including your home, our beautiful office in Riga, Latvia, or any paradise location.

If you delay submitting your application, someone else will be hired before you.