Growth Designer - remote

Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely

Speechify is the easiest way to listen to the world’s information
. Articles on the web, documents in the cloud, books on your phone—we absorb the world’s content and help our members listen to it on the go, at their own speed, with tools that make learning easier, deeper, and faster. 

Or, put another way: what Spotify has done for audio entertainment we’re doing for audio information. And whatever we’re doing seems to be working: we’re #1 in our category, profitable, and have hockey-stick growth. 

Speaking of growth, we’re looking for a Growth Designer to help us 10x our activation, retention, and conversion. A t-shaped learner who can work with engineers and PMs to tease out intriguing opportunities that scale over time. This is a pivotal role on a new team and ideal for a savvy designer with a mix of visual, UX, copy, and data skills who loves speed, experimentation, and BHAGs.

Some of the things you’ll do
  • Uncover faster ways to onboard members. QR codes? Remove steps?
  • Dig for better funnel conversion. Paywall before or after sign up?
  • Experiment with features that grow product virality. Document sharing or referral program? Maybe both?
  • Boost internationalization. Geo-customized homepage? Pre-sorted voices?
  • Help shape the product growth team, process, and tool stack
To succeed here, you’ll need:
  • Experience: You’ve got a portfolio of projects with KPIs up and to the right (or down, in which case you learned something too)
  • Craft: You’re equally comfortable writing copy as you are designing a modal—and know that both of those only matter in relation to the experiment.
  • Speed: Experiment cycles matter most, so you know how to triage your time among research, design, analysis, discussion, and sharing what you’ve learned.
  • Collaboration: You know how to inspire, play, and negotiate with opinionated engineers and PMs
  • Communication: You’re articulate and able to explain your ideas at various resolutions. You ask just as many questions as you answer. 
  • Focus. We’re a high-growth startup with a busy, remote team. You know how and when to engage or be heads down.
We offer:
  • A fast-growing environment where you can help shape the culture
  • An entrepreneurial crew that supports risk, intuition, and hustle
  • A hands-off approach so you can focus and do your best work
  • The opportunity to make an impact in a transformative industry
  • A competitive salary, a collegiate atmosphere, and a commitment to building a great asynchronous culture
Think you’re suited for this job? Tell us about yourself, why you're interested in the role and include links to your portfolio/case studies and LinkedIn.

Not looking but know someone ideal for the role? Refer them! We’ll send you (really good) chocolate if we make the hire.