GCP DevOps Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
Stack Overflow

We are looking for an experienced GCP DevOps Engineer to manage enterprise class cloud infrastructure. As one of our dedicated DevOps.

Technical skills

GCP Cloud Infrastructure strong background.
Infrastructure as code experience: e.g. Terraform, Ansible, Chef, etc.

You bring to Applaudo the following competencies:

Interpreted lang experience. Any of: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.
Configuration lang: JSON, YAML.
Network admin experience (Linux or Windows): Networking, TCP/IP deep understanding, OSI Model Knowledge, Routing tables, Firewall rules, DNS configuration, CDN knowledge, Troubleshooting skills, SOAP, REST API knowledge/experience, Deep understanding of client-server architecture (Web services), Monitoring tools (nagios, zabbix, sensu, elasticsearch).
GIT Experience.
Network design tools: MS Visio, Lucid chart or similar.
DBA experience: Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, BigTable, BigQuery, Cloud SQL, DataFlow, Cloud Spanner.
Experience with serverless services - Docker experience - CI/CD experience (CircleCI, Jenkins)- Kubernetes knowledge (Desired). Cloud Run, Cloud Functions.
Terraform, Spinnaker or a different automation tool - CloudCraft, - Certified [AWS, Azure, GPC] Cloud
Solutions Architect (Desired).
Experience in any shell scripting languages like: Bash, Powershell.
English is a requirement, as you will be working directly with US-based clients.

You will be accountable for the following responsibilities:

  • Write Terraform configurations to represent the GCP infrastructure state in code
  • Represent the actual infrastructure in network/topology/services diagrams in each environment (Development, QA, Production)
  • Plan and conduct game days to test and enhance the code and diagrams
  • Propose the best practice approaches in terms of architecture design, security, naming conventions, governance, etc
  • Support CI/CD lifecycle
  • Take ownership of the GCP environment assigned