Founding Engineer - remote

Fella Health (YC W20/S21)
Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely
About Fella Health
Fella Health is the telehealth clinic for men with obesity, backed by Y Combinator. With Fella, patients meet a board-certified obesity doctor to prescribe FDA-approved medications, while they undertake personalized health coaching through our app.

Obesity is the largest chronic disease in the US (>$100bn spent each year) and the traditional solution ("move more, eat less") only works long-term for ~10% of people. But obesity treatment is radically changing due to a new wave of medication options which are 2-3x more effective than previous options. In addition, only 10% of those using weight management services are men: all programs market to women, not tackling the stigma men feel around this.

Fella's founders are Luke &Richie. We studied together at Cambridge University.
  • Luke studied medicine and developed a patented AI approach to detecting cancer at a YC bio company, before moving to Microsoft Research. He did a masters in Computer Science after Cambridge.
  • Richie personally struggled with stress eating for 6 years. After Cambridge, he built and sold an AI company working with the UK government. He built a 10k-follower community around men's stress eating.
Fella Health is live in Texas, and we recently closed a Seed round to expand nationwide. We're backed by top health/consumer investors:

  • Y Combinator
  • BrandProject, Global Founders Capital
  • The founders of Indeed, Curative, Alan, Kaia Health, Not Boring, Vouch Insurance

The opportunity as Founding Engineer
Fella is building a world-class team. As the first engineering hire at Fella, you'll be taking over work from our technical co-founder, executing in both growth &product teams. This role is a critical part of the broader founding team because you will build the technical foundations of the company for years to come.

This role is FTE and fully remote.

You'll work closely with the founders, and report directly to Fella's CEO Luke Harries.

Key responsibilities
  • Growth — Architecture
    • You'll work with our Head of Growth &co-founders to design &implement a tight growth tech stack. You'll ensure growth has accurate analytics (e.g. Mixpanel), smooth information flow (e.g. Segment, data warehouse, ETL), important tooling (e.g. CRM).
  • Product — Architecture
    • You'll work with our CEO (Head of Product) to design &implement a tech stack to ensure a smooth flow of information. You'll architect and build out the data pipelines to ensure the data warehouse &postgres databases are complete, piping data to the doctor and coaching tools. You'll design the infrastructure for our mobile app backend to enable us to quickly iterate.
  • Growth — CRO
    • You'll work with our Head of Growth &co-founders to analyze the signup funnel, develop hypotheses, prioritize &design experiments, build changes, evaluate results — all to improve conversion. You'll move very quickly, while keeping security high and tight data privacy.
  • Product — Customer dev
    • You'll work with our co-founders to turn customer insights into product features. You'll interview users to shape the product roadmap, prioritize features ruthlessly, and co-create wireframes with our designer.
  • Product — Shipping
    • You'll work with our CEO (Head of Product) to regularly ship high-quality features. You'll launch the React (Typescript) and Next.js experience of the Fella app. You'll co-create our iOS and Android deployment CI/CD pipeline.

Need to have
  • Technical &product skills: 
    • Experience: 3+ years experience as an engineer
    • Frontend: shipped high-quality apps in either React Native or React
  • Cultural skills: 
    • End-to-end ownership — you are comfortable owning projects from noticing the problem to delivering the outcome.
    • Commitment to candor — we believe in open communication and transparency. You are a clear &caring communicator, welcoming feedback.
    • Belief in the mission — we will help 1 million fellas by 2026. We have a lot of work to do, and you are dedicated to the mission.
    • Do what is needed — speed is critical and often the solutions we need are messy. You are comfortable moving quickly and taking on work outside your job description.
    • Dedication to excellence — you are obsessed with your role, with a commitment to compounding self-improvement.

Nice to have
  • Technical &product skills: 
    • Backend: databases (SQL), system design (cron jobs), servers (node.js), data engineering (warehouses, ETL)
    • Analytics: event analytics (Mixpanel, PostHog) and experimentation (A/B, multivariate)
    • Frontend: Typescript, Next.js
    • No-code: Zapier, Retool, Google App Scripts, Webflow
    • Devops: CI/CD, GCP or AWS EC2
    • Customer dev: experience with customer interviews and turning customer insights into features
    • Design: Figma, UX experience
    • Growth: UTM tags, ad pixels, customer attribution, prioritizing experiments
    • Background: CS degree, previously launched own products/startup, comfortable at hackathons
  • Cultural skills: 
    • Seeing systems — you recognize the system which produces the outcome, and focus on improving the system to fix the true cause of an issue.
    • Positive-sum thinking — you think in terms of collaboration not competition.
    • Managing yourself — you own your schedule, your habits, your happiness, your life. Your team-members help you flourish, but the eventual responsibility lies with you.

  • Compensation: competitive salary, equity, and unlimited PTO
  • Pension: 401(k) contributions
  • Healthcare: private medical insurance
  • Family: paid parental leave
  • Personal development: budget for books, courses, coaching
  • Personal wellness: budget for gym, health apps
  • Team: regular off-sites
  • What are we missing? We're still early so you get to shape our culture.

How to apply
  • your resume
  • your Github and/or LinkedIn
We're running a high-velocity process and believe in open communication — so you'll hear from us quickly.