Digital Marketing Operations Specialist at Diggity Marketing - remote

Diggity Marketing
Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
Use Your Broad Skill-Set To Build A Career In Online Marketing... By Joining One Of The Most Established Brands In The Industry

Most job advertisements will talk about what they expect from you. But let's spend a moment focusing on what YOU should expect from your next job.

Of course, there are non-negotiables like a stable salary that allows you to provide for yourself and your family. Most companies will offer that these days.

But you're likely to be looking for something more…

What if your next job wasn't just a way to make the ends meet? What if instead, every day you'd be learning from the sharpest people in a high-growth industry… and picking up in-demand skills that will propel your career forward unlike anything else?

If that's something you've been looking for, keep on reading :)

First, a little bit about us.
Who We Are
Most people don't realize how impactful online marketing is. Some of the largest companies in the world (like Google and Facebook) base their entire businesses around it.

While the space is still young, it will keep growing for decades to come. We at Diggity Marketing have been insightful (and, let's be honest, lucky) enough to establish our name in this industry from its earliest days.

The sub-niche of online marketing that we're cornering is Search Engine Optimization or SEO. From consulting to education to done-for-you agencies to running our own SEO-driven websites, we're a premier name in the space.

You'll be joining the team of our educational website while occasionally collaborating with our other businesses (Authority Builders, The Search Initiative, and Leadspring).

The core group working on the website is a small but powerful team of 3 - with a larger cast of regular writers and subcontractors helping us too.

As we're growing our impact on the SEO community, we need your help with, in simplest terms, getting stuff done around here.

But what's in it for you? Why would you want to join us?
6 Reasons To Join Diggity Marketing As Our Operations Specialist

1. Use Your Natural Ability For Getting Things Done

Getting things done is your calling card. No matter what the challenge is, you find a way.

You don't mind if the task is considered difficult, administrative and boring, or requires extreme attention to detail. You see these tasks as little missions and get satisfaction from completing them.

Unfortunately, not many companies see the value in that. They want specialists who have spent years doing the same kind of work.

But your love for getting many different things done is EXACTLY what we're looking for. So if you want to be in a role that perfectly matches your natural inclinations, join our team.

2. Build A Career In A High-Growth Industry: Online Marketing

Online marketing is here to stay. And with more and more of our lives happening online, it's only going to get bigger.

But this space is still in its early days. Get in now, and your career is likely to rise with the rest of the industry.

And Diggity Marketing is the perfect place for starting your career in online marketing. Why? Because our entire business is educating people about online marketing and SEO.

While previous experience in SEO will help, we don't require it. Instead, we'll provide you with world-class training materials on the matter.

So if you want to build your career in online marketing, joining us is the way to do it.

3. Fast Growth

There's always more work to be done at Diggity Marketing.

Show that you can excel at your current tasks and we'll be happy to give you more responsibilities… and the recognition and rewards that come with it.

We're not caught up in weird office politics like many larger companies are. We only care about getting work done - and doing it well. If you can do that, you'll rise fast - regardless of how long you've been with us or your current position.

If that's how you like to work, we want you on our team.

4. Stability

The ugly flip-side of joining a small and hungry team is often instability. If things go to plan, everything's great. But if there's a downswing, your livelihood can be under threat too.

Luckily, we're not in that boat. We're a proven and profitable business that's been around for years.

If a mix of growth and stability is something you value, Diggity Marketing is the place for you.

5. Awesome Work Environment

We know how important a healthy and thriving work environment is for the success of the company. That's why we insist on:
  • Complete Work/Life Balance. We want you to be working at 100% capacity, which means that you need to rest.
  • Supportive Environment. We don’t put unnecessary stress on our team. It sucks and isn't even productive.
  • Regular Feedback/One-On-Ones. We keep things candid. If you mess up, we tell you, so you have a chance to get better. And when you’re doing well, we tell you that too.
  • Strong Anti-BS Policy. Anybody in the company can (and is expected to) tell the Marketing Manager when he is wrong. There are no bureaucratic or BS rules getting in the way of getting work done.
  • No Micro-Management. Once you’re trained and have demonstrated you know your stuff, we're pretty hands-off. In fact, if you need external management to stay on-task and motivated, we're probably not the place for you.
  • Investing In Your Training. You’ll be learning new things all the time. Besides, you'll be strongly encouraged to invest your time in improving your systems and work processes - and anything else that can make your job easier.
  • No Toxic People. Imagine never having to interact with toxic people at work - how nice would that be?
  • Freedom To Be Yourself. You don’t have to put on a fake professional face. Just be yourself. You can talk smack and have a laugh with your Manager, and no one will think anything of it.
This sounds pretty awesome to us. If it does to you too, join our team!

6. Work Remotely And Set Your Own Hours

Whether you want to work from home in your pajamas or at a cafe by the beach, we don't mind. So long as you put your hours in and get your work done on time, we’re happy.

What's even cooler is the freedom to set your own hours. No one expects you to work 8 hours straight day-in and day-out.

If you're more productive working in bursts, go for it. If you need to pick up the kids from school or just want to get a workout in, by all means.

We know you can manage your own time. Why would we do it for you?
So What Will You Do As Our Operations Specialist?
We need your help in three broad areas.

1. Following our standard operating procedures (SOPs) to get recurring tasks done.
Like any business, we have certain tasks we need to get done on an ongoing basis. For example, whenever we post an article, we want to post on social media about it.

It will be your responsibility to get these recurring tasks done. And if you can improve on our SOPs in the process, that's even better.

2. Writing and copy editing
Online marketing, and especially SEO, is unimaginable without persuasive writing. Whether it's helping with the articles on our blog, posting in our online community, or reaching out to industry partners, it can't be done without excellent writing skills.

So if you have a knack for writing, it will go a long way in being successful at this role.

3. Support for our Marketing Manager
Our Marketing Manager has a lot on his plate. A huge part of your job will be to support your Manager with his projects and to take on tasks of his that you can do yourself.

Besides that, there will be plenty of special projects for you. The Marketing Manager will help set the direction, but everything else about getting these projects done will be up to you.
Here's What We Expect From You (Requirements)
  • At least 1.5-2 years of experience in a similar operational/administrative/department support role
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to follow our standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Excellent written English (with emphasis on persuasive writing)
  • Experience in online marketing, and especially SEO.
  • You must be based in GMT +11 to GMT +3 time zone (Australia, Asia, or Eastern Europe/Africa)
  • You must be ready to commit to a 1-2 year contract with us.

The starting salary for this role is $800-$1,200/month (before tax) with a paid 4 week vacation. If you have an incredibly convincing track record, we can consider a slightly higher starting point.

But what we care about most is excellent performance in our company. Once we see that, we'll be happy to increase your salary.

This is a full-time position, and we expect your complete focus and dedication.
How To Apply
To apply, please fill out this form: 

Only applications sent through this form will be considered!