Cool Python dev job plus half the Kingdom - remote

Paysure Solutions Ltd
Posted 2 years ago
We Work Remotely
We're a startup founded in 2017 and have developed a suite of working &tested applications focused on authorising payments initiated via payment cards. We are currently expanding and looking for new developers to join our team

Our product

Have you ever had to deal with travel insurance while staying in a foreign country? It's quite likely you had to have a lengthy call with your insurer, pay for the medical treatment out of pocket and then claim money back from the insurer once safely back home. What if you communicated with your insurer via mobile application and the insurer promptly sent you money to be used immediately to cover your expenses? How cool would be that?

Has your employer ever sent you on a business trip and asked you to pay for all your expenses with your personal debit card? Only to get reimbursed afterwards? What if your employer provided you with a payment card that could be used to pay for all authorised business expenses directly?

There are plenty of other scenarios that could be implemented with our B2B payment solution. Apart from that, we provide our clients with back-office applications, mobile app and other products.

Our tech stack
  • Python 3, Django and Flask.
  • Our APIs are developed using GraphQL.
  • Test-driven and behaviour-driven (Gherkin syntax) development patterns.
  • Continuous integration and delivery using CircleCI.
  • Infrastructure as code (AWS &Terraform).
  • Docker both for development and production (Amazon ECS).
  • Microservices-based architecture glued together with Kafka.
  • Maximal test coverage - unit tests, acceptance tests, integration tests, and system tests.
  • Our preferred project management method is Kanban (Trello).
  • Our preferred communication tool is Slack.

  • You can hit the ground running and develop maintainable code from day one.
  • Your Python skills allow you to solve business challenges by creating new microservices that follow well-recognised Pythonic patterns (bonus points if you are a fan of functional programming).
  • You are familiar with basic Linux internals (you can explain SIGTERM and what is so special about PID 1) and also Docker internals, enabling you to deliver highly available microservices.
  • Using your skills with object-oriented modelling (and possibly DDD) you ensure business processes are recorded in our codebase in a clear &understandable way.
  • Your familiarity with Amazon Web Services enables you to deploy your own services without depending on other people.
  • You are able to work in an unstructured start-up environment. You escalate problems whenever you are stuck and also voice your opinions when needed, ultimately enabling us to innovate faster.
  • Your proactive and transparent approach will save us from any major hiccups since you solve problems before they ever reach the client.
What if I don't have all the skills mentioned?
No worries, we will still consider candidates who can tick the majority of boxes.

  • Remote work
    We understand that flexibility is what developers need. Work from home, a café or a beach drinking Pina Colada? Oh, Yes, please!
  • Flexible hours
    You can schedule your hours flexibly during the week, we won't chain you to your desk at specific times. All we ask is that you are available to your colleagues at reasonable hours.
  • We are a tech company
    This means the quality of our tech products is crucial to our success and thus, by extension, your opinion is truly valued. We understand that doing things the right way pays off in the future. We operate with a horizontal structure;everyone, whether a developer or the CEO, is invited to help mould the product &strategy.
  • 5 weeks of paid vacation
  • Training budget
    Books, subscriptions, courses, conference tickets, you name it.
  • We don't discriminate any software
    It doesn't matter whether you are a Windows guy, Tux worshiper or Apple die-hard fan. You can choose your own stack.
  • International environment
    Our HQs are located in the United Kingdom, our clients/prospects are from all over the world (South East Asia, North America, Europe), our team is international too.