Content Marketing Manager - remote

Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
Hi there! We’re Lemonpie and we’re looking for an experienced, fun, innovative, and entirely game-changing Content Marketing Manager. We hope you’re the one we’ve been waiting for. 
The Opportunity
Our Content Marketing Manager position is a full-time role with a mission to create, manage, and oversee our client’s podcast marketing assets and ensure our goals for them are not only met but exceeded. 

A bit about our Podcast Content Marketing services:

As a full-service Production company, we offer Podcast Content Marketing packages in addition to standard Production services to equip our clients with quality Marketing assets for each episode. In other words, you (or the team members who report to you) will listen to each episode, draw insights from it, and create marketable assets out of them. Some of these assets may include things like:
  • Articles. We use keyword and SEO research to create an article around the main idea of the episode. These are not glorified Show Notes, but rather well researched and audience targeted articles to draw listeners (and prospective listeners) in. 

  • Takeaways - Text-only takeaways that the host and other leaders from our clients team can use across various social media platforms, varying in length in style depending on the platform.

  • Newsletters - Creating a newsletter that is powered by lessons inside of our clients podcasts. 

  • Branded Quote Graphics - Our designer will handle the template, but you (or the team members who report to you) will be responsible for pulling the most quotable pieces of each episode and using the template to create engaging, shareable content for our client to use.

  • Audiograms - Pulling the most engaging clips from each episode and working with our design/video team to create custom branded audiograms for each that our clients can use on their social media.

  • Videos - Pull the most engaging vclips, and work with our video team to create custom 1-2 minute video clips our clients can use on their social media. 

  • Slideshows - Pulling the top 3 takeaways from each episode, and working with our design team to put them into a slideshow our clients can use on social media.
Must haves:
  • A minimum of 2 years experience building and managing content engines  - You will be responsible for setting the strategy of each client’s podcast content marketing program, as well as iterating it over time to get the best results. 

  • A minimum of 1 year B2B Marketing experience

  • A broad understanding of business
    • You’ll be working with podcasts from various industries. It could be a SaaS podcast, or a show about the safety industry. Without knowing the industry, you’ll have to pick out key moments, great quotables or takeaways that you’ll turn into other written content.

  • Excellent communicationskills. You’ll be running point with client’s on everything related to their podcast content marketing strategy. You’ll be responsible for promptly and kindly responding to client’s enrolled in our Podcast Content Marketing service with any questions they may have, as well as briefing your team on various projects and keeping our Leadership team updated as needed. Attention to detail test! Include the word “snail” in your application.

  • Even better writing skills. You’ll need to summarize (sometimes long and/or complex) takeaways in 1 or 2 sentences and in a way everyone can understand. You can listen to someone tell you about their business, and then communicate what they do in a way anybody could understand. You can take a complicated idea and explain it to people like they’re five.

  • Project Management experience. You’ll be responsible for Marketing asset delivery deadlines for every episode of each client's show. If you’re not highly organized and proactive this role isn’t for you.
Bonus points:
  • Leadershipexperience. As of now, you’ll be working with, and managing the work of, 3 freelancers, which may eventually grow into leading multiple full-time employees. Team work, the ability to give candid but kind feedback, responsiveness, and engagement are essential.

  • Have experience writing on social. You’ve written content for social media platforms before. Even more bonus points if you have experience running social media for brands.
No one wants to work somewhere they don’t love. 

Here are a few indicators you’ll feel right at home here: 

  • Think outside of the box. Or more accurately, are unaware a box ever existed and like to create your own. Then you tear it down and build a tower instead. We’re in a rapidly growing industry so innovation is key.

  • Crave improvement. You’re never good with good enough. You know even the best content, process, or team can be better and you want to be the person that gets there. 

  • Are a team player. If you’re a “that’s not my job” or “I did all of this” person we’re not for you. 

  • Speak up. You say what you’re thinking and are objective with your feedback.

  • Take 100% accountability. For wins and losses. 

  • Work independently. We pride ourselves on pouring into each and every one of our team members but hand-holders we are not (well...we do hold our husbands/wives/little people’s hands from time to time. We’re not monsters.).

  • Are a good human. We’re a team comprised of genuinely good human beings (kind, empathetic, transparent, etc.) and will keep it that way.

  • Live in the United States. 
  • Exist to help businesses grow. And their people shine, through podcast outreach and production.

  • Have been fully remote from the start. Work from your home office, co-working space, or a cornfield in Iowa. If you have internet access we’ll be in business. 

  • Are a people-first company. Our team is always our #1 priority and not just because it’s good for business (happy people do better work) but because it’s the right thing to do. 

  • Encourage and prioritize work-life balance. Your little person has t-ball games every Thursday evening you need to tap out early to prep for? Have fun and tell them we say good luck (then share pics in Slack of their cuteness, of course). Your new pup has obedience training every Wednesday afternoon? Go for it and maybe stop off for a nice walk after. 

  • Do not micromanage. Not even a little. Your work will speak for itself. We’ll never track your time, double-check that you did xyz, or ask why you came in at 8:45 instead of 8:00. You have our full trust from the very beginning. 

  • Are fun. Like Ron Burgundy on the jazz flute fun. 
Perks &Benefits
We work really hard to make working at Lemonpie an amazing experience. We have a team full of truly exceptional people - the kind you’ll be excited to work with. Here’s how we operate:
  • Live And Work Where You Want - We’re a distributed team, so you can live and work wherever you want (from your house, favorite coffee shop, co-working space, etc.). For our ideal candidate, proximity won’t influence their productivity because they are internally motivated. Our only requirement is that you have a reliable internet connection and can focus on work during work time!

  • Unlimited Paid Vacation - We want you to take vacation. In fact, we have a minimum vacation policy of three weeks per year (not including holidays). It’s important to get out and do something. We’ll look forward to seeing pictures when you get back.

  • Flexible Hours - As long as you’re available during core business hours and keeping full-time hours (7am-3pm, 8am-4pm, 10am-6pm, etc.), we’ll work with you to create a schedule that’s optimal for you. 

  • Monthly Remote Stipend - For some, working remotely means lots of coffee shops, a co-working space, or let’s face it - needing more loungewear. We provide a $100 monthly stipend for whatever you need.

  • Personal &Professional Growth - We’re serious about helping you improve your craft. Think conferences, books, dedicated time away from work to learn something new…it’s really up to you, but we love to see our people growing.
Let’s Do This Thing
If this sounds like everything you’ve been waiting for, consider this our formal invitation to apply here.  

Note: If we like your application we will ask you to complete a test project free of charge to give us a better idea of how you operate hands-on. The work completed in said test project isn’t used for anything outside of gaining perspective on your work. 

Thanks so much for your time - we know you could be on IG right now, but chose to be here with us instead and we’ll never forget that.