Business Analyst - remote

Deep Consulting Solutions
Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
(Remote, Full-Time, Anywhere in the World)
Small niche companies are becoming increasingly successful in the expanding and highly differentiated marketplace we are in today. At Deep Consulting Solutions, we help these companies grow big while staying effective and delivering the best to their clients.

Do you want to be part of a no-nonsense consultancy that grows successful and effective businesses using business process improvement, automation, and efficient marketing? Our global consulting team is looking for Business Analysts to investigate companies and restructure their business operations using our business improvement process.

 What We Do 

We find niche and successful small companies who have problems running their complex internal productions as they scale. The first thing that we do for them is effectively re-organize their operational processes so that they can most effectively attract, service and retain their customers and run their internal production in the way most optimal for quality and profitability. The second thing we do is build and implement a software solution that will administer and enforce the new and improved operation model. After we put in place and enforce new and effective operational processes, we expand their newly re-organized business by bringing them their best fitted clients through effective direct response marketing, while making sure that their internal systems are running well to handle the increased volume. 

We work with clients on the result basis only and only get paid for the results we deliver once we deliver them.

 What You Will Do 

As the Business Analyst, you will hold a responsibility over the client's business and their business model, and apply our principles and approaches to improve and trestructure our clients' operation. Your primary goal will be to to effectively organize the client's operation to most efficiently attract and retain best customers, deliver on the company's value promise, and make most effective use of the internal resources for the client's company's best profit— using our methodologies and in cooperation with our other departments' efforts.

In doing so, you will:

  • Investigate the client's company using our company analysis process — this will involve extensive interviews with the members of the client's team, investigation of their records, and independent research and analysis of markets;

  • Improve company's operational models, business processes, and management mechanisms using our principles;

  • Thoroughly document all of your research, findings, improvements, and business models you develop;

  • Support our automation software team in developing solutions that will run and enforce your improved business models;

  • Monitor the performance of your new business models as the business expands and coordinate business model improvements with our marketing efforts.

  • Do anything else that will be required for you to accomplish your result.


We have a tight business to run and our jobs require a certain commitment to results and willingness to accept responsibility for the individual actions on the part of our employees. Therefore, we require our candidates to:

  • Understand that an activity by itself is useless unless it produces a useful outcome;

  • Be ready to self-organize and self-manage and make own decisions about what to do in order to deliver the result;

  • Be willing to re-examine approaches and methods when results suggest that current approaches aren't working;

  • Be willing to endure hard work to achieve success and not expect instant gratification;

  • Approach matters rigorously and analytically;

  • Act on the above.

The following skills will be necessary:

  • Strong logical, numerical, and verbal reasoning skills to study and understand the business situation in its full context;

  • Analytical skills to discern confusing information and separate reality from false perception;

  • Excellent verbal and written English to communicate with our international team;

  • Effective communication skills to formulate and communicate your thoughts to the client and inside the team;

  • Various experience of working in real businesses.

The following will help:

  • Experience in working with businesses in a consultative capacity;

  • Experience in sales, customer service, management, consulting — and any other work that involves dealing with people effectively;

  • Experience involving researching and analyzing a lot of different information;

  • Experience with business modeling.

 What We Offer 

  • High Performance Oriented Management
The organization is consistently and constantly managed for performance and results. High performers are rewarded. Excuses are not accepted and employees who make them are ejected. Long, unnecessary, bloviating meetings do not exist. Direct, quick and clear feedback is given on everybody's work. The owner personally manages the business and there is little to no middle management present. If you prove yourself to be a reliable and effective employee, you will have all the necessary authority, resources, etc. made available to you in order to deliver your results.

  • Results Based Compensation
Successful projects and results you deliver serve as the basis for financial bonuses. There is a base pay, however, it is expected that team members work beyond the minimal requirements and be rewarded for exceptional results delivered.

  • Significant Room For Responsibility
You will be responsible for the strategic, long-term decisions instead of just collecting requirements from the client or preparing nonsense reports. Neither would you be having to put up a pleasant show in front of clients - you will be focused purely on generating results.

  • Work on Your Own Time
You can work from anywhere and at a time that best suits your preferences provided that you can deliver results. There isn't a 9-6 or any other hourly schedule in place and there are no time logs made. There also do not exist any time-wasting activities and everybody's time is respected. That being said, the amount of work that you'll need to put in to get results will by all means make this a full time job and require a full time professional commitment from you.

  • Opportunities to Practically Develop and Enhance Your Expertise
We work with many complex and niche companies and our business improvement approach requires a deep dive and understanding of their industry in detail, which you will develop quickly. Every project will show you real and meaningful results and provide an opportunity to see how your business model improvements perform in real business.

  • Growth Within Our Organization
Our organization is dynamic, growing, and quite new. Employees who prove themselves to be responsible, effective, and motivated will have the opportunities to take increasing responsibilities as the company develops.

 Hiring Process 

Our candidate selection process is designed to objectively assess people's ability to deliver. We do not have long and pointless rounds of interviews filled with hypothetical questions and we do not make decisions solely by looking at somebody's resume. Instead, we follow the below sequence:

  • Job Application Form.

  • Pre-Screening Online Skills Assessment.

  • Short Interview.

  • Practical Test Assignment.

  • Evaluation of the Assignment and Decision on Hire.