Application Engineer - remote

Ocean Protocol
Posted 3 years ago  • remote
GitHub Jobs

Application Engineer

Ocean Protocol builds tools for people to reclaim control of their data and unleash an open data economy. Ocean tools make it easy to publish &consume data services as ERC20 datatokens, and bridge data to DeFi. Ocean Market is a DEX tuned for data.

Ocean has a vibrant, expanding ecosystem of data suppliers, data consumers, stakers and community developers. To serve it better, we’re hiring! If you are someone that loves to build things and cares deeply about the future of data, we want to hear from you.


  • You will be part of the engineering team, to help design &build Ocean protocol core software, from blockchain level to dapp level;and to co-plan and design the product with the team
  • You will have a particular focus to work with enterprise users to help them build apps and integrations that use Ocean.

Skills and Experience

  • We don’t expect applicants to be an expert in everything listed below which is why we’ve separated the requirements into two tiers. The ideal candidate loves to delight users and make customers successful, has built dapps, and has done Application Engineering for the enterprise.

Minimum Qualifications

  • 5+ years of software experience
  • 2+ years Javascript experience
  • 1+ years blockchain frontend (dapp) software experience
  • You focus on the outcome. You work with the team to set goals, then to achieve the goals. You are a creative “make it happen” problem solver.
  • Proficient in writing &speaking English


  • 2+ years experience in Application Engineering for the enterprise
  • You know how to analyze the business processes of a customer, can identify and mitigate the pain points and have a sense for design, communication and presentation
  • Experience with React, Gatsby, REST APIs, GraphQL. We’d love to hear about cool dapps you’ve built.
  • You’re obsessed with blockchain. You follow crypto Twitter, play with dapps, read about Token Engineering, and maybe even yield farm.
  • You’re an excellent writer.
  • Preferred work hours: 9-5ish on European time zones
  • We don’t expect you to be an expert in all of these. Rather, we’d love to see that you’re interested in them, perhaps know one or two as a starting point, and most importantly, that you’ll learn more about them as you grow with us professionally and personally.

Your Next Step?

If you love to build things and care deeply about the future of data, we want to hear from you! Please email, with:

  • your cover letter - why you’d like to join
  • your CV
  • code samples (e.g. GitHub profile)
  • writing samples (e.g. blog or report)
  • presentation samples (e.g. Powerpoint, GSheet), video if available