Amazing marketing designer &illustrator job - remote

Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
About the job
We're looking for a marketing designer &illustrator to join the team at Cliniko. Working closely with our marketing and content teams, you'll create work for both screen and print. You'll design and code HTML emails, create on-brand illustrations and digital artwork, and contribute to the overall development of the Cliniko brand. The work is fun and varied, and each day is often different from the last.
What is Cliniko?
Cliniko is practice management software that makes life easier for Allied Health professionals by handling appointment scheduling, storing treatment notes, hosting video consultations, and much more. The software is used globally by tens of thousands of practitioners every day.

Behind Cliniko is a team of 43 people spread around the world. We work completely remotely, although our base is in Melbourne, Australia. We care more about finding the best person for the job than looking for someone that lives nearby.

We don't have project managers, we rarely have meetings, and there are no time sheets to complete. We're responsible, autonomous, creative, and proactive in doing our best for our customers. We're focused on making great software and we take pride in doing good work.

If you want to know more about how we work, our founder, Joel, gave a talk about it.
About you
It goes without saying that you are a talented, creative person. You have excellent taste, a good eye, and a finely honed gut instinct. A sense of humour would be preferable.

You'll be familiar with a few design tools and you'll no doubt have your preferences. If you're not already an expert, you'll be savvy enough to get up to speed quickly with Illustrator and Photoshop.

You either have experience creating HTML emails from scratch, and have spent many an hour pleading with Outlook to behave. Or you know some HTML and CSS—enough to build what you have designed—and can learn the nuances of coding marketing emails on the job.

Experience matters, but we won't pluck an arbitrary number of years out of the ether that you absolutely must meet. What is important is that you've done neat work that has been put out there in the world (published, printed, exhibited, whatever);that you know what it's like to work, to collaborate, to fight your corner, to concede with humility, and to laugh with other humans;that you've made mistakes in the past that still make you cringe, a harrowing cringe that stops you from repeating the same mistakes. 

There is no geographical requirement for this role. Applications are welcome from anywhere in the world.

No matter what your background is, or how you identify, if you feel you meet the requirements, we encourage you to apply. We know that having a diverse team is necessary to have different perspectives, and it's how we’ll continue to find new ways to make Cliniko better. We are committed to the continual diversification of the team and working to constantly improve our inclusivity which is crucial to how we work.
What you'll work on
Most of the time you’ll be working closely with our marketing and content teams. The work is quite varied, so you may sometimes find yourself:
  • Creating on-brand illustrations and digital artwork.
  • Creating digital artwork and visual assets for social media and blog posts.
  • Designing marketing ads for print and screen.
  • Contributing to the design and continued improvement of the product website, community forum, help centre, and other sites in the Cliniko ecosystem.
  • Designing, coding, testing and adding content to HTML emails.
  • Designing artwork for tshirts, stickers, and other swag.
  • Contributing to the development of Cliniko's visual branding.
How we work
Here are some things we do a little differently to enable people to do their best work and live a happy life:
  • 30-hour work week, full-time pay. 
  • Unlimited annual leave.
  • Supplied computer equipment.
  • Ergonomic furniture.
  • Fresh organic fruit delivered weekly to your home.
  • Overseas trips for full team meet-ups.
How to apply
Please use the “Tell us about yourself” field on the following application page to give us enough information about you, to be interested to take you to the next stage. This doesn't mean going over the top though, we'll have a lot of applications, so clarity and some brevity is also appreciated. Oh, and please be yourself, there’s no need for formality.

Please provide us with a link to your portfolio or relevant online work that we can view. One or more links will suit, whatever you think best gives us an idea of your talent. We will be reviewing quite a few applications, so we ask that you place the examples you're most proud of right at the top. Illustration is quite an important part of this role, so please be sure that your reference work contains at least a couple examples of your illustration work.

Applications are open until end of June 18th 2021.
What you can expect after applying
Once you’ve applied, sit back and relax while we get to work on our side! We’ll only begin reviewing applications on June 21st, 2021, after applications have closed. In recent hiring, we’ve had thousands of applications, so it can take us some time to review them all. We will individually review every application. When reviewing, at least one person from the Cliniko team will read your application.

You can expect to hear back from us by July 9th, 2021 at latest (3 weeks after closing applications). Every application will get a response, whether successful or not. If you haven’t heard from us by the 9th, please do let us know.

At this point, we’ll be down to less than 50 applications still in the running, so you can see why the initial application matters. Our founder, Joel, will then have a 5-minute video call with all these applicants, to determine who will continue to the test stage. This round should take 1 - 2 weeks to complete depending on the number of applicants still remaining.

We will then narrow the pool to less than 20 applicants, and there’ll be a small mock design task to complete. We expect this task takes no more than 6 hours to complete, so please make sure you’re prepared to spend that time, before applying. To partly compensate the time you would spend on this, we'll pay $200 USD for each that submit this work.

From the tasks, we will select just a few to have some short video chats with a number of people from our team to help us make the final choice. You’ll likely chat to people from a range of roles at Cliniko (support, developers, etc.).

Finally the exciting part for us, and those that are chosen. We’ll hire some people to join our team! That will happen fast, and the start date will be chosen by the applicant.

We know it’s quite a process to go through, so we want to make sure you know what you’re in for up front. It’s important that you can make an informed decision to participate or not. We’ll be transparent with everyone along the way.

One final note, unfortunately due to the quantity of applications we receive, we are not able to provide feedback for those not successful in the first round. In the later stages, we’ll do our best to provide what we can, if requested.

Good luck!