Last update:
4 years ago

Turnout2020 - remote jobs

VoteAmerica is a nonpartisan nonprofit that works to ensure that democracy still exists in the United States in 2021. We focus on increasing voter turnout by identifying and clearing roadblocks to voter participation. Given decades of active voter suppression, a global pandemic, hostile foreign interference, hostile domestic interference, the partisan hijacking of the DOJ, record-high joblessness, civil unrest, and about a dozen other things, we have our work cut out for us. Fortunately, we're not fucking around over here. We're a new org staffed by long-time politicos and voter turnout experts, and we're looking for other folks who aren't fucking around to join us. Learn more about our team here: www.voteamerica.com/team.


  • Health, dental, and vision for employees, and subsidies for dependents
  • Unlimited paid vacation with leadership approval
  • 401(k) Plans
  • Flexible schedules for parents
  • Coworking or home internet reimbursement