Last update:
3 years ago

Scriptix - remote jobs

Founded in 2019 Scriptix is the go-to partner in speech to text customization techniques. The company has a shared vision of empowering clients to build their own speech to text models. Having built speech to text models in 10 languages at an earlier stage, it was now time for a real challenge. There are a lot of options out there when it comes to speech recognition and in various languages. However, the Scriptix team didn’t find a workable solution which helps end customers with speech to text models that are customized to fit their needs. Current language models score a high accuracy, but the real challenge lies in making sure those models can be trained based on customer data. As opposed to other vendors out there where additional customer data is added to language models, Scriptix builds customized models for end customers themselves. The first customized model based on client data alone – so not a big heap of data put together – was the model for Dutch Politics, built for our partner Arbor Media. The results were beyond expectation and the vision of the team was confirmed.