Parsage, Inc.
Last update:
3 years ago

Parsage, Inc. - remote jobs

We build software for other people.  Our team is mostly remote and we use Slack and video chat to stay in touch (along with other remote support tools).  A main characteristic of our approach to work is to focus on deliverables and sprints and keep the velocity even.  We rarely work weekends (ok, sometimes if we have a good idea) and we try to keep things flexible.   This means you get to see your kids school plays and games, you can run errands when there's no traffic and so on.  So if you are someone who can manage flexibility and still get your stuff done then we are a good fit.  If you need a lot of structure and a boss who delights in holding your nose to the grindstone we wish you the best of luck. It's a trade-off.  We don't have as much collegiality as other places.  We are just a solid place to do good work and feel good about the work you do. We also have a very strict no a**holes policy.  That goes for both clients and staff.  We avoid clients who are not nice people.  It's better that way.  We are also fairly diverse. Come from different places, with different faces.  But we all agree that being honest, direct, and decent is by far the simplest way for professionals to act.  And when we fail we hope you'll tell us in an honest, direct, and decent way.  And then work with us to improve. A lot of our clients are in the public sector and we try to deliver value by helping our clients be more agile and get things done by cutting through their bureaucracy.  We believe very much in the power of agile methods and practice them both at work and in our private lives.  We hope you join us.


  • Flexible work arrangements
  • Remote work
  • Health insurance
  • High end hardware
  • Time for side projects
Senior full stack developer
4 years ago  • $80k - 150k (US Dollars)
Washington, DC
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