Nua Solutions (WebDoctor)
Last update:
4 years ago

Nua Solutions (WebDoctor) - remote jobs

Join the fight against COVID-19. Nua Solutions' goal to optimize clinical communication. Their rapidly growing team is building Virtual Clinics that enable medicine to be delivered efficiently online and offline to hundreds of thousands of people. This technology could not be more important at a time like this. As an engineer you’ll get to: Work with latest and greatest technologies (the selection of which you can directly influence) Work on multiple parts of the platform(s) we offer Native and hybrid iOS and Android applications as well as web. Receive mentor-ship from a team of experienced engineers, most  with over 10-15 years experience (and growing) Write elegant, well-tested code that solves a real problem and has a significant impact on people's lives Learn and grow constantly - we foster an “always improving” culture across the company We believe that the future of medical care lies in providing software to assist clinicians do a better job and we want you to help us make that a reality.