Intelligent Editing Ltd
Last update:
4 years ago

Intelligent Editing Ltd - remote jobs

Intelligent Editing launched in 2009. We’re not going to be the next Uber, and we don’t want to be. We like being small and profitable with a great team. We believe in steady growth, quality service and producing an excellent product. We produce software that works with English-language documents. Our flagship software, PerfectIt, is an add-in for MS Word that finds mistakes that spelling and grammar checkers won’t find, such as consistency errors and style issues. The English language is a beast! And working to automate proofreading tasks for English is one of the most challenging and interesting aspects of our work. We’re at the forefront of proofreading/editing technologies. We were among the first companies to produce apps for Office and add-ons for Google Docs. We’re interested in ways that natural language processing can advance the field. Our development team enjoys complex problems. Most of us have our own projects outside of work, and we bring that energy to the (virtual) office. Books that get passed around the team include Clean Code (Uncle Bob), Functional Programming in C# (Enrico Buonanno) and Domain Modeling Made Functional (Scott Wlaschin). Oh, and did we mention that we’re obsessed with unit testing? We believe that developers can contribute more to the business when they get to interact with end users. Some of our best business ideas have come from giving our engineering team exposure to customers and the problems that they face. We’re always open to new and innovative suggestions from all our developers at any level. BENEFITS Work That Makes a Difference We help users focus on the parts of their job that matter. From medical writers working on the COVID-19 vaccine (yup) to editors helping novelists tell their stories, PerfectIt helps users to worry less about typos and spend more time on the meaningful part of their work. Flexible Working We have a team call every day between 3pm and 5pm (UK time). All other hours are flexible. If you produce great work, we don’t care when you do it. Remote Working Candidates should be based in the United Kingdom. Intelligent Editing has no offices, so candidates should be equipped to work from home. A Life Beyond Programming We believe in work-life balance. We believe that it’s not realistic for developers to work much more than forty hours per week and sustain quality. We’re sympathetic to the demands of parenting and welcome applications from experienced professionals from all backgrounds who need to work flexibly. If You Love Learning... Professional development is at the core of who we are. We only hire outstanding candidates. So you’ll be working with, and learning from, exactly the type of team leader that you’ve always wanted to. We mix genuine responsibility from your first day with a startup environment where anyone can make suggestions. It’s the perfect way to pick up and try out new skills. BEFORE YOU CONTACT US Candidates must have the right to work in the UK, and must be based in the UK.