Last update:
2 years ago

DuckDuckGo - remote jobs

DuckDuckGo is an international community of extraordinary individuals, coming together on a mission to build the world's most trusted search engine. We strive to make a great product while at the same time truly respecting the people that use it. We embrace diverse perspectives, and seek out passionate, self-motivated people, who are committed to our shared vision of raising the standard of trust online. Work Whenever, Wherever Productivity is different for everyone and we therefore trust our remote team to work wherever, whenever. Our team is located around the world and we use a variety of tools to stay connected. Make an Impact We are a small, growing team, working on a search engine used by millions of people worldwide. Whatever you choose to work on at DuckDuckGo you will make a difference starting on day one! Culture of Trust Our work philosophy is based on a culture of building trust. This translates into empowered project management, transparency at all levels of the organization, and a ton of autonomy.


  • Unlimited vacation
  • Generous vacation guidelines
  • Family leave policy
  • Co-working reimbursement
  • Remote work
  • Company and team meetups
  • Wellness and learning benefits
  • Company wide hack days
Senior iOS Engineer - Remote
3 years ago
Senior Android Engineer - Remote
3 years ago
Director, Windows Engineering (C#)
3 years ago  • $191k - 191k (US Dollars)
Director, Site Reliability Engineering
3 years ago
Director, Windows Engineer
4 years ago  • $191k - 191k (US Dollars)