Wanted - remote

Posted 3 years ago
If you love the idea of working for David instead of Goliath and want to show up to a supportive team and work you’re genuinely excited about day in day out, you’re in the right place.

Want to tie yourself to a company who operates in a bold and unique way with leaders who don’t micromanage? Where you’re given not only a voice but the freedom to shape your position in a growing industry? 

Then you’re definitely in the right place. 

We’re not looking for someone to simply do a job. We’re looking for someone who wants to shake the tree of change and use the leaves that fall as means of innovation and creative genius. 

We’re Lemonpie and we’ve been waiting for you. 
The Opportunity
Our Talent Relations Associate position is a full-time role with a mission to support our Talent Relation clients by providing world-class service and ensuring our goals for them are not only met but exceed all expectations. 

Essentially, you’ll act as their Podcast PR rep throughout their engagement. 

Some of these duties will include:

  • Pitching - Crafting personal and compelling email, video, and social media pitches to podcast hosts in order to obtain guest appearances for our clients on their show.

  • Prospecting - Conducting show research to find the perfect podcasts for each clients expertise and goals.

  • Client reports - Creating custom client reports that recap the work we’ve done together.

  • Onboarding material - Creating custom onboarding material for new clients. 
A Day in the Life
Imagine for a moment that you wake up in the morning. And you’re not mad about it because this is what you were made for. 

Your commute is 45 seconds. You brew great coffee or tea (or Kombucha if you’re into that type of thing) then hop on Slack and share what you’ll be working on with the team.

From there, you might find yourself listening to a new client Kickoff Call to understand their goals and begin curating the list of perfect shows for them. Then it’s on to pitching the CEO of the latest and greatest startup (you’re stoked because you know how much they have to offer the world). Maybe you have a 1:1 with a member of our leadership team (we care and each of us spends 1-hour per month with you), or participate in a Chat N’ Chill (a monthly team meeting where we leave work behind for an hour so, you guessed it, we can chat and we can chill). Next up you’re re-working a pitch to ensure our client shines from afar and if you have it in you, which we know you do, you’ll end the day by getting your inbox down to the magic zero we all dream of. 

There will be many memes, gifs, and team collaborations in the mix too, of course. It’s not a day at Lemonpie if you haven’t laughed and learned. 

And we don’t just say that - we make it our mission to ensure each and every day results in a team that’s happier and more fulfilled than the day before and growing together, even from hundreds of miles apart.  

Here’s exactly how you’ll know if we’re a great fit. 
  • Take pride in creating a killer personalized pitch. This will be the primary function of this role and we’re not the mass email type. 

  • Think outside of the box. Or more accurately, are unaware a box ever existed and like to create your own. Then you tear it down and build a tower instead.

  • Have an almost freakish ability to communicate virtually. Not only by speech but the written word. For real. We mean it. If communication of any kind is something you struggle with, we totally get it (we love our introverted team members!), but you and this role won’t be friends. 

  • Crave improvement. You’re never good with good enough. You know even the best pitch, process, team can be better and you want to be the person that gets it there. 

  • Are a team player. If you’re a “that’s not my job” or “I did all of this” person we’re not for you. 

  • Speak up. You say what you’re thinking and are objective with your feedback.

  • Take 100% accountability. For wins and losses.

  • Work independently. We pride ourselves on pouring into each and every one of our team members but hand-holders we are not (well...we do hold our husbands/wives/little people’s hands from time to time. We’re not monsters.).

  • Are a good human. We pride ourselves on being a team comprised of genuinely good human beings (kind, empathetic, transparent, etc.) and will keep it that way.

  • Pay strong attention to detail. To prove it, use the word unicorn in your application ;) 

  • Live in the United States. 
  • Exist to help businesses grow. And their people shine, through podcast outreach and production.

  • Have been fully remote from the start. Work from your home office, co-working space, or a cornfield in Iowa. If you have internet access we’ll be in business. 

  • Are a people-first company. Our team is always our #1 priority and not just because it’s good for business (happy people do better work) but because it’s the right thing to do. 

  • Encourage and prioritize work-life balance. Your little person has t-ball games every Thursday evening you need to tap out early to prep for? Have fun and tell them we say good luck (then share pics in Slack of their cuteness, of course). Your new pup has obedience training every Wednesday afternoon? Go for it and maybe stop off for a nice walk after. 

  • Do not micromanage. Not even a little. Your work will speak for itself. We’ll never track your time, double-check that you did xyz, or ask why you came in at 8:45 instead of 8:00. You have our full trust from the very beginning. 

  • Are fun. Like Ron Burgundy on the jazz flute fun. 
Perks &Benefits
We work really hard to make working at Lemonpie an amazing experience. We have a team full of truly exceptional people - the kind you’ll be excited to work with.

Here’s how we operate:

  • Live And Work Where You Want - We’re a distributed team, so you can live and work wherever you want (from your house, favorite coffee shop, co-working space, etc.). For our ideal candidate, proximity won’t influence their productivity because they are internally motivated. Our only requirement is that you have a reliable internet connection and can focus on work during work time!

  • Unlimited Paid Vacation - We want you to take vacation. In fact, we have a minimum vacation policy of three weeks per year (not including holidays). It’s important to get out and do something. We’ll look forward to seeing pictures when you get back.

  • Flexible Hours - As long as you’re available during core business hours and keeping full-time hours (7am-3pm, 8am-4pm, 10am-6pm, etc.), we’ll work with you to create a schedule that’s optimal for you. 

  • Monthly Remote Stipend - For some, working remotely means lots of coffee shops, a co-working space, or let’s face it - needing more loungewear. We provide a $100 monthly stipend for whatever you need.

  • Personal &Professional Growth - We’re serious about helping you improve your craft. Think conferences, books, dedicated time away from work to learn something new…it’s really up to you, but we love to see our people growing.
Let’s Do This Thing
If this sounds like everything you’ve been waiting for, consider this our formal invitation to apply here.  

Note: If we like your application we will ask you to complete a test project free of charge to give us a better idea of how you operate hands-on. The work completed in said test project isn’t used for anything outside of gaining perspective on your work. 

Thanks so much for your time - we know you could be on IG right now, but chose to be here with us instead and we’ll never forget that.