Software Engineer - remote

Mobile Outfitters
Posted 2 years ago
About our company culture and this position:
Our company culture is the #1 reason people choose to work here, and stay once they're here - we've been rated 5 stars on Glassdoor since 2019!  It would be a mistake to say that things like our fun quarterly events, no-dress-code policy, and efficient 40-hour work week define our culture - they're the positive side effects of our culture.  Our culture is built on good people who love their work, and work hard and intelligently to produce great results. We're grateful for the work we all do, and we tell each other that. We are a group of thoughtful, helpful people with integrity, and we get stuff done.

About This Opportunity
If you enjoy a high level of independence, accountability, and working on smaller teams, this opportunity is for you.  We are expanding our team - we currently have one full-time engineer in-house, so you'll be joining that person on our team.  We also have 2 part-time engineers that work remotely, so you'll be interacting with them regularly, too.  You'll be working primarily on our RapidCut platform, which is the driving product behind our company - it is a desktop app that drives a 2 dimensional cutter - so if you enjoy working with hardware interaction, you'll enjoy this role.  There are many parts of the RapidCut ecosystem - databases, web apps, the desktop app, firmware, etc. - you'll be hands-on in nearly every part of the system.  We are already a growing, revenue-generating, profitable company that is focused on shipping great product - so if you want to have a big role in the big picture of an entire software project that is used by people every day, this role is for you!

Our Core Values
It's important to know what core values we care about here, and what we're trying to do as a company.  Our vision is to make products that people love, and a company people love to work for. How we get there is through our core values:

Help each other, and allow others to help you
Have Integrity in everything you do
Be a thoughtful person, and be thoughtful in your work
Execute!  We want people who deliver on goals and promises.

Job Details

Title: Software Engineer
Compensation: $90k - $115k annually (Depending on Experience) plus benefits
Reports To: Founders
Location: We are a fully hybrid culture, so you choose in-person or remote.  Our office is in Philadelphia.
Job Type: Full Time
Benefits: Medical, Dental, maternity and paternity leave, short term and long term disability, life insurance, 401k

What does a Software Engineer do, anyway?
Every quarter, you'll work with the other members of the engineering team and the founder to define the highest impact projects that we could tackle to make a big difference here at the company.  From there, we break the quarter into sprints, and get into the work!  We care deeply here about producing great product in a consistent, reliable, and high-quality way, and we accomplish all this by known industry best practices.  This means we follow best practices in scrum, test-driven development, version control, and even things as simple as meetings!  In terms of the actual projects and work, we focus first on solving real-world problems - you'll get to determine how to solve those problems.  The technologies and tools you'll use the most here are TypeScript, JavaScript, SQL, AWS (Lambda, RDS, EC2) - you might also encounter things such as C++ and ASP.NET, but we are migrating away from these.

In plain terms, here’s what this usually means:
  • With only 1 other full-time engineer, you will be accountable to big projects and ultimate quality.  This means you also get a fair amount of freedom to tackle things the way you see fit.
  • You have to love best practices, process, and structure - despite being small, we do not "wing it" here - these systems are, in our opinion, the only proper way to grow.
  • A large proportion of hands-on engineering work.  About 70% coding, with the remaining 30% split around managing workload, documentation, architectural decisions, code reviews, and general administrative tasks.
  • Working as a truly cohesive team with the other engineers we employ - one of our core values is helping others and allowing them to help you - it's a 2-way street.
  • Making big-picture architectural choices regarding the projects we’re working on in tech, and which technologies we choose to employ and build around. 
  • Occasionally building or implementing new processes that you think will improve the department - as we continue to build and grow, we want to build great processes that scale

If this sounds like you, your previous education, work experience, and passions probably sound like this:
  • 2+ years experience as a Software Engineer
  • Self-motivated.  When we say we don't micromanage, we really mean it.  If you work better in a place where your output is closely monitored and you need a lot of hands-on management, this isn't the job for you.  If you're results-oriented, get great work out on-time, and prefer to manage yourself to accomplish this, you'll love it here.
  • History of successfully managing multiple complex projects and bringing to the finish line via repeatable processes
  • Ability to simplify and communicate with non-technical peers and leadership
  • Experience with any combination of the following technologies:  TypeScript, JavaScript, C++, AWS, Splunk, CI/CD Frameworks, Windows OS.  We don't expect you to have experience in all of them.
  • Formal training in engineering, such as a CS degree, is a definite plus.

….as well as some less quantifiable attributes, such as:

  • You value great workplace culture.  This generally means you personally expect a great and respectful workplace culture, and will defend that culture for the good of your team
  • You relentlessly pursue the highest quality work, and see your work as a reflection of yourself
  • Willingness to challenge the status quo, and adapt when necessary to get to the finish line
  • A focus on shipping product that creates real business outcomes and accomplishes business goals
  • You strive to create simplicity where there is complexity.
  • You are a constant learner, and your approach to learning is both disciplined and deliberate.

Lastly, here’s what success looks like in this position:
  • Active, engaged, and on-time for all the key ceremonies here:  sprint reviews, stand ups, meetings, quarterly planning.
  • You adhere to, and are a champion for, best practices.  This means thoughtful code review, thoughtful engineering, great documentation, completing sprints on time and logging hours, following proper version control processes.
  • Growth.  You learn new skills, implement them in the business, and tackle challenging problems.
  • Delivery of "first time right" products through rigorous testing and thoughtful review
  • Up to date, organized, commented, versioned software for our products
  • All software products and websites are in line with founders’ vision, and reliably perform their business functions.
  • We've said it a lot, but we care deeply about our culture.  In addition to the "job success" above, a truly successful person here regularly exhibits thoughtfulness, integrity, and a willingness to give and receive help with humility.

About Our Company

Mobile Outfitters |

Our Mission: To inspire people by sharing our entrepreneurial spirit through innovative products. 

We are a manufacturer, innovator, and consumer brand of mobile accessories. Based in Philadelphia, PA,  our products can be found through an international network of 800+ retail locations spanning over 50 countries. Mobile Outfitters’ flagship product, Clear-Coat™, is an ultra-clear protective film that wraps around the entire device without adding the bulk featuring military-grade scratch protection and self-healing technology — all backed by a lifetime guarantee. Our two-time award-winning RapidCut system allows retailers to manufacture Clear-Coat screen and 360° full body protection for virtually every device (55,000+ products) and automatically cuts them on-demand, within seconds!