Senior JavaScript Developer - remote

Posted 3 years ago

Do you feel as excited writing beautiful, fancy code in React.js as you would go exploring pure vanilla JavaScript? Do you think that frameworks and libraries are simply tools at our (optional) disposal, more than a lifestyle to live and die for? Do you like to comfortably sleep at night because the code base is fully covered by tests?

We are looking for you! Join our Tech Team at VITALS!

VITALS is such a complex app with so many features that we basically get to play with every single type of technology out there. Just thing about everything that has to go right for an app like the Visitor Replays to actually work!

This is a great opportunity to make substantial impact on our business growth and to have great career perspectives. There's room to grow up in seniority, learn new technologies and even achieve a leadership position around here.

You will experience the support of an experienced team and the freedom to use your technical expertise and initiative to achieve shared goals. This position requires authentic curiosity and will to learn every day. We focus on quality and maintainability of what we do, in order to maximize the company goals in the long term, while executing urgent tasks with surgical precision when needed. We expect strong organizational skills, critical thinking and enthusiasm for achieving company and self-oriented goals.

What we offer

We offer you the opportunity to be part of a team that is not afraid of learning on a everyday basis. You will have the possibility to experiment with new technologies and the freedom to choose your own equipment (high-end Linux or Mac laptops, with UHD external monitors) and software (your favorite IDE or simply Vim if you want).

Our environment is very supportive, where proposals for change and suggestions for improvements are encouraged. In addition, we offer flexible working hours, an informal working environment with flat hierarchy, and competitive salaries. 

As learning is a fundamental part of our style, you can expect to be going to conferences and meetups (when possible), doing workshops and reading books and other technical material in a regular basis.

Skills &Requirements

Your most important skill... that you are open minded and eager to learn new technologies. You receive and give honest feedback and criticism, never taking it to the personal level, but as a fundamental part of achieving excellency.

VITALS has two Frontend components:

- The Storefront: that loads on tens of thousands of stores and delivers the 40+ apps in VITALS. The key here is to deliver apps that are extremely efficient, with 80%+ of traffic coming from mobile. This part is written entirely in TypeScript, with top focus on clean code and full test coverage.

- The UserAdmin: we are currently rewriting this from scratch on a bleeding edge React.js/Redux SPA architecture. This is our main React application and the one you'll be working the most when in React world. Other UI apps are also maintained and built using different frameworks for internal purposes, such as the admin/management interfaces and some others. We love what we've built so far and we think you'll love it too!


  • Code according to industry and team standards, adhering to good practices
  • Write maintainable, readable code with extensive test coverage, ideally applying TDD
  • Producing interfaces that work in every modern browser, with mobile-first in mind applying cross-browser testing strategies
  • Work with source control, dev/stage/prod release cycle and continuous integration
  • Get actively involved in the code and functional reviews of fellow developer’s work
  • Be able to spot logic and functional issues and effectively communicate feedback
  • Actively engage with team members to discuss backlog items, design issues and best coding practices
  • Take part into technical planning, project breakdown and estimation rounds
  • Create technical documentation for internal and external use
  • Optimize application for maximum performance, scalability and maintainability
  • Working and interacting with RESTful APIs

Skills &Experience


  • Frontend development, with focus on excellent pure JavaScript and full proficiency in React.js/Redux architecture for SPAs
  • Passion for tested software: unit testing, automated tests, TDD
  • You eat HTML and CSS for breakfast
  • Interest on the current web standards and the latest browser updates
  • You can't imagine how to code without Git
  • Good knowledge about Webpack, Babel and other common build tools (and their problems...)
  • Linux, Bash &command line feels like home to you
  • Good knowledge of HTTP and RESTful APIs
  • Adherence to good practices and standards
  • Focus on quality, maintainability, readability, scalability and performance
  • Likes to work in an international, multicultural team
  • Enjoys pair programming, code reviews and knowledge sharing
  • Good English skills (written and verbal)

Good to have:

  • Database knowledge (SQL and NoSQL)
  • Jest, Sinon, Chai, Enzyme, Cypress
  • Understanding of webworkers and service workers
  • Code splitting and bundling
  • SEO and crawling concepts are familiar to you
  • Some understanding or curiosity about other frameworks/libraries
  • Some knowledge of Node.js
  • Microservices architecture
  • Backend programming languages (Python, Elixir, Go, Rust, PHP, etc)
  • AWS, Ansible &Terraform
  • Continuous Integration
  • Docker &Kubernetes
  • Scrum, Kaban
  • Jira, Confluence