Senior Growth Marketer 🤩 - remote

Posted 3 years ago
Welcome 👋!

Here at Demio we're currently looking to hire a Senior Growth Marketer to join our mission to help businesses leverage the power of personal conversations at scale. 🤩

Demio is a hassle-free webinar platform built for marketers (like you). With our platform, companies can generate leads, filter prospects, perform group demos, host engaging sales presentations, integrate with their CRM, view advanced webinar reporting, track conversions, and more. It’s truly unlike any other product on the market. 

Maybe you've even used Demio or heard of us in the past. 🤷‍♂️

We’re looking to bring on that special someone right now to join the team full-time (... and yes, we're hoping that's you... we know this is long, but hopefully thorough — keep reading to see 😉).
About Us
Demio has been bootstrapped from the beginning, going on nearly three and a half years now. With our co-founders, we’ve been able to scrape together some bite-sized marketing campaigns, but, the truth is, most of our growth has come from focusing on long term initiatives. By investing early in product and customer support, we’ve been able to do very well (thankfully) with the help of our customers, both through word of mouth, and, luckily enough, the viral nature of our product.

We’re at the point now where we feel like we’ve exhausted our strengths (and time) for marketing, and we’re ready to hand over the reigns to someone who can take a strong foundation and build upon it. While the investments we’ve made have gotten us to this point, we believe it’s time to add a little gas to the fire. This role will require strategy, but most importantly the ability to get into the trenches and be the marketing implementor. We'll need to be scrappy, focused and prioritize our experiments well.

We already have a proven (and loved) product, but we have yet to truly maximize our marketing channels or our brand message. It’s working well now, but we know it can only get better from here! 🎉

And that's where you come in. 😎

Being a growth marketer, marketing a B2B SaaS to other marketers will not be an easy job! 😅 It is going to take equal parts creativity, strategy, execution, and a data-driven approach. Plus, about 50 other things thrown in.

We understand that this won't be an "easy" job to jump into, so we'll be standing by your side every step of the way. But, first things first. We want to make sure this is more than just a role fit, we want to be the right company for you.

We want to be joined by someone that shares our same vision for a product-centric and customer-centric business. Someone who understands the importance of quality over quantity, the bootstrapped nature of a business, and taking on creative risks. Someone that is willing to join us on our journey to change the way that businesses communicate, market, and sell online. Someone that is process-oriented and driven by seeing our customers find a product that delivers results.

As a young bootstrapped company, we have tons of amazing users and we're adding great companies every single month. A wonderful product experience is our primary focus here at Demio. From the brand message to the customer support to the onboarding process, to the platform itself, we're constantly working hard to make it all a delightful experience.

While the webinar, web-communication space has been around for a while and continues to grow, we believe that we’re creating an entirely new segment in the market and doing it in a simple way.

Here's what a few of our team members have recently said 👇:
"One of the best parts about working for Demio has been how much they've invested in my growth, inside and outside of work. They've given me everything I need to thrive, on and off the job. They truly care about my success and well being." - Lucas J. (been with Demio for 3 years)

"Here's one of the more prominent themes I've experienced firsthand during my time at Demio: meaningful growth.

I'm not referring to the kind that's related to a company's bottom line or any other industry metric (though our growth in that regard is indeed meaningful and not just driven by marketing spend)—but rather, meaningful growth as it relates to each unique individual who makes up our diverse team.

Each of us is encouraged to explore areas of interest, push boundaries, and take initiatives with newfound opportunities—all with the right nudges along the way." - Henry R. (been with Demio for over 2.5 years)

"Being a part of the Demio Team has been absolutely awesome, it's so rewarding to work for a company that truly cares for their customers, as well as, their team members. 💚"  - Mike D. (been with Demio for 2 years)

"After working in different industries, I can say working at Demio has been by far the best! At Demio, we don’t just talk about our values— we live them! Everyone has different talents but we work together as a team with one goal in mind: to make sure our customers have the best webinar experiences!" - Bethany B. (been with Demio for over 2 years)

"The growth-oriented culture is what I love about Demio! Everyone on the team is always trying to do their very best and encourage each other. And the Demio team love GIFs, just as much as I do! 😆"   - Maryna P. (been with Demio for over 1.2 years)

"I absolutely love being a part of this team!"  - Allie L. (been with Demio 10 months)About the Position:
Our team is small, but nimble 🤓. We have 12 success team members, 4 engineers, a QA team member, a product designer, 2 content writers, and 2 founders. As a company, we love to employ and work with great people, and we're hoping you might be the right addition to our amazing team!

While the founders are based in Tampa, FL, we’re dedicated to building our company with a remote-based work environment meaning our entire team is remote, and we are happy to offer the ability to work from anywhere in the world through our systems in Slack, Clubhouse, Intercom, Notion and GitHub. We'll do everything we can to make a stress free, easy to navigate operation inside so your role is just as simple as our platform!

Not only will you be remote, but you get to work with a team that is hungry, smart, and eager to make an impact. As a key member of the marketing team, your work will never go unnoticed. Your work will always make large waves 🌊 in the company.

But hey, we also like to have fun 🙌;we understand that building a company is quite the journey, and it can be incredibly hard, so we believe that it’s important to enjoy the moments along the way (coffee calls and virtual games, anyone?).
About You:
We want someone to join our team who truly desires to make an impact, is empathetic, loves marketing, is courteous, and is constantly striving to grow/improve. Of course, being remote means you won't be micro-managed and you should be highly responsible for your actions, be reliable, focused on output and results and understand that great companies are built one small step at a time.

We would expect you to have:
  • Ability to work remotely with your own computer and high-speed internet connection (can travel and work - just need to make sure you'll be set up!)
  • Ability to communicate with fluent English
  • Understanding of the general use cases of webinars - you've run them before, attended, or helped build a webinar prior! Understanding our customers will be key 🔑
  • Experience as a Growth Marketer or Demand Generation Lead where you've had to drive pipeline for a SaaS company
  • Ability to design, write, and execute your own creative marketing experiments based on KPI's
  • Experience with paid advertising platforms (Google, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn)
  • Experience with analytical systems and reporting (creating pipeline reporting and KPI's)
  • Not required (but helpful): Have worked/designed in Webflow, experience with SEO in Webflow, and prior work within Intercom
  • Real excitement to see customer wins, successful webinars run, and great feedback
  • The drive to learn and grow every day
What does the average day look like in Demio? Imagine this:
Log in to your Slack app when you start the day and high five the team already on 🤝! Our team is all over the world, but we're always overlapping hours working together to innovate and move the company forward.

Review any team updates or celebrations in Slack from your teammates and any asynchronous communications left through the day. Communication is always key here in a fast-moving company!

You'll have the ability to organize a schedule that works best for you, but start by reviewing marketing KPI's and assessing the experiments currently running. Most on-going initiatives will need to be reviewed and audited to find any low-hanging areas of optimization.

You may want to organize customer calls to listen and learn from our current customers and product offerings. Then, you might review new initiatives and start work directly on them.

Check in with our team designer, content writers, growth team, and podcasters to review any updates or project communications.

Once a week, we'll review the ongoing experiments as a team, review department KPI’s and any major issues. And if it’s a Friday, we might pop a few beers together as a team on Demio and cheers to a great week!
More about the position:
We’re expecting this to start as a full-time role within our team. This shift wouldn't have any specific set hours, but we would want to make sure we have some overlap schedule in the EST time zone. This will be important to sync up with the Leadership team and other contractors in the team.

We’re open to any time zone, as long as you can fulfill it!

The payment for this position will be based on experience and your background, but we’ll be very transparent on our initial calls to see if this is a fit.

Growth-oriented bonuses we believe in:
  • Minimum 2 weeks paid vacation 
  • Reimbursement for Kindle ebooks/audible
  • Paid access to digital courses for extended training
  • Free gym membership
  • Reimbursement for 1 digital event a month
  • Free mediation or yoga app
  • Working with a truly mission-driven team motivated by excellence
  • Invitation to our Annual team Retreat (paid)
  • Huge room for growth
  • What to do next:
    If this sounds exciting to you, and you think working with an awesome startup company sounds great, let’s talk.

    Shoot us a reply to with #MarketingIn2020 in your subject line, and we’ll set up an interview.

    Here’s what we’ll need for in the email:
  • A short overview of why you think Demio might be the right fit for you (what is it about us that stands out)

  • A résumé is cool but not necessary, feel free to include any and all recommendations from past colleagues or employers (LinkedIn works 😎 )

  • Share one campaign you've been a part of or recently worked on. What was your role? Why did this initiative stand out? What were the results? What would you do differently next time?

  • What is your favorite marketing podcast, book, or youtuber?

  • Tell us about you personally, stuff you’re into – what your goals are, where you are in life and where you want to be in life. This may not be your dream job, but who knows maybe we can work together to help it become so!

  • BONUS: Include a video of yourself telling us a little bit about yourself – just post it on Vimeo/YouTube/etc. This will greatly increase your chances of an interview! :)

  • 🔥 EXTRA BONUS 🔥: We'd love to see a bit of your creativity and marketing on display here. How can you showoff to us with a creative approach to marketing? What will really wow us? There's no requirement for this, but this could be the thing that really makes you stand out.
  • Take your time to articulate your thoughts, there’s no prize for submitting quickly. This is simply a great way for us to learn about your ability to market, communicate, and be thoughtful. If you're missing these questions, you will not be added to our initial review. 😭

    That’s it 🙏! We look forward to meeting you!