Senior Full Stack Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
We Work Remotely
Bellawatt builds nimble and user-friendly software products for some of the leading energy organizations including PG&E, Sunrun, and the Department of Energy. Our projects range widely, touch on the latest trends, and all contribute to modernizing the energy and utility industries.

We’re big fans of user-friendliness in both our products and our codebases, which is why we prefer Ruby on Rails - it continues to rank at the top for dev friendliness- and we’re glad to be part of its ecosystem. We even created and maintain an InertiaJS adapter for Rails: Depending on the project's needs, we also use Django and do heavy calculations in JavaScript.

The Role

We’re looking for an engineer that gets excited about regularly encountering new software challenges to solve across a wide variety of projects. We highly value team members that are able to take ownership of a problem, find a good solution, and move a project to completion. Between our care for development practices and the variety of projects you’ll encounter, you are likely to learn and grow as a developer while working here.

Our ideal colleague will have:
  • Multiple years of experience with production web applications, preferably built with Ruby On Rails.
  • Some experience building interactive front ends in a JavaScript framework such as React.
  • Opinions about the products being made as much as the code being written.
  • Bonus: Production experience with Python. Rails is our default stack, but we occasionally get requests from clients to build in Python.
  • Bonus: An interest in the operations side of web development such as DevOps, security, monitoring, and deployment.
We hope to blend our experiences with yours to create a sum greater than its parts. We work best with people who describe themselves as:
  • Fantastic communicators. You know how to articulate your reasons for or against critical decisions, and are capable of disagreeing and committing. You equally enjoy giving feedback and receiving advice for both soft and hard skills.
  • Self-starters. You’re able to handle ambiguity, anticipate problems, and don’t need to be handed the whole picture to get started. You may have even been a freelancer, consultant, or entrepreneur previously.
  • Non-Dogmatic. You understand that most decisions aren’t binary and require an understanding of the trade-offs. Similarly, you do your best to try to see things from other people’s point of view.
Finally, some additional context on how we work and our values:
  • We’re quite flat, so you’ll neither be asked to boss people around nor have to dutifully fall in line. You’ll pair with other devs for PR reviews and with our PMs and Designers for ideation sessions.
  • You will be working remotely with a team that was remote pre-pandemic. As such, we emphasize an asynchronous culture that works to limit unnecessary meetings so you can focus on deep work.
  • We value and cultivate enjoyable working relationships among team members and clients and do what it takes to prevent toxicity - even if it means saying goodbye to a client that’s having a negative impact on the team.
  • We emphasize work/life balance and make sure our people don't get burned out.
  • We encourage pursuing tangential inspirations, and do our best to carve out time for team members to build cool things outside of immediate engagements.
For more about us, see how we work at:


We are excited to have a new team member, not a new employee. We won’t waste your time - our interview process is straightforward:
  • Email us at with your resume and/or a link to your LinkedIn profile, along with a short hello that includes why you’re interested in working together.
  • Informal interview where we get to know each other and discuss expectations to see if there's mutual interest.
  • Technical Interview. We'll open a repo together, and work through some issues over LiveShare. We hope to get a sense of your working preferences, while giving you a preview of the type of work we do and how we do it. You shouldn't expect any gotcha questions like bubble sorts.
  • Product Interview. About a week after the first Technical Interview, we’ll architect and plan a brand new product together dynamically. The purpose is to get a sense of our team dynamics, so we'll have you lead the process as if the project will be your own for the next few months.
  • We’ll send you an offer within a week.

  • That's it! We don't like drawn-out interview processes any more than you do. Looking forward to connecting!