Senior Full Stack Developer - remote

FastLaneMovement LLC
Posted 3 years ago
If you enjoy a challenge and want to be a big part of a small team building a new Saas business… then this job might be for you.

New SaaS Winado is Hiring

About The Job

In this role you will have 3 main responsibilities:

1 - Project planning/team lead

This is a new business and is currently in the MVP development phase. Here you will be expected to review everything done so far, such as mockups, code base, erd etc and take over the project planning.

2 - Coding the project

This is where the majority of your time will be spent in the first 6 months as we get the first version of the software out.

3 - Managing a part time junior developer

My name is Tom Rogers and I will be the junior developer for this project as well as the CEO. I currently have 2 businesses running profitably without me so decided 6 months ago i wanted to build a Saas. However, my strengths are in marketing and sales, so I wanted to improve my technical knowledge/skills first before building a tech company. I started coding 6 months ago and would like to still be a part of the development of this project, at least in the initial MVP phase. I think it’s important to say that if you are hired for this role you will be the lead of the tech side and I will respect that, along with your decisions. Me being involved in the process again is down to my general interest in programming and improving my understanding, so as this business grows together we can make better decisions.

About Us

As mentioned above my name is Tom Rogers and this new Saas is called Winado.

Winado will allow course creators to add gamification to their courses easily and improve their students results/engagement with the online course.

Winado is a new project but is already fully mocked up, has a lot of the front UI coded and backend set up. More importantly the concept has been pitched to potential customers and interest is already high.

Alongside Winado I own 2 companies. 1 of them is an online course with over 2000 students and an email list of 100,000. I came up with this software idea while growing my other business and will be using Winado as a tool in my other company when the initial version is released.

This will help us continuously test it and make sure it is really valuable. I am expecting us to have to pivot and make fast software updates.

Honestly, if you don’t like the idea of working on a new challenging project this probably is not for you.

If you are excited by the idea of working hard, working on something new and being fully remote, then this is an awesome opportunity for you.

Skills &Experience

You must have at least 3+ years of experience working as a developer with experience planning and executing complex software projects.

Combined with experience in database/architecture design you must be comfortable with the below stack:



  • TypeScript
  • NextJS/React

  • Tailwind CSS


  • Node.js
  • Sequelize/ SQL
  • Postgres
Because the project is still in its infancy you will have the opportunity to alter some of this stack if you desire, however valid reasoning will have to be explained during the interview process.

It would also be beneficial if you have a good eye for design. You do not need to be a UI/UX designer but having a good understanding of what looks good and what does not, with the ability to make small UI decisions independently is important.

Experience as a team lead and training junior developers is also required because as mentioned above you will be managing me during the initial MVP phase.

Hours and Location

This is a full time position as a fully remote contractor. No set timezone although I am currently CST time so that would be preferred.

You will be in charge of and set the hours you work.

I believe if you have smashed your work for the day already and want to go surfing mid day, go surfing.

That being said, this is a full time position and I will want to move fast with getting the first version of this saas out. So you will be expected to hustle.


Salary discussed during interview
14 paid vacation days

Interview Process

5th May - 19th May: Reviewing received applications

20th May - 21st May: Notify successful applicants and schedule virtual interview

24th May - 26th May: Stage 1 virtual interviews covering cultural fit

26th May: Notify successful stage 1 applicants and schedule coding test/ final virtual interview *

27th May - 2nd June: Stage 2 final virtual interviews covering technical ability/questions and test review

4th June: Notify successful applicant and offer job

*Applicants that make it to stage 2 and complete the coding test given to them will be paid a set amount for completion of the test, regardless if they are hired or not.

Last Words

If you read this far you might be the right person for this role.

I purposely didn’t make the job position too “flashy” because honestly, I want an A player by my side.

This is an early stage business.

I want someone who wants to be challenged, be open to pivoting, working quickly and to be a part of building a new business they can be proud of.

I am determined to turn this Saas into a big business. You could be a part of that journey.