Senior Backend Software Developer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
role description
You will be developing relai’s backend systems using go and python with a focus on resilience, quality and security in the context of an event-driven microservices architecture.

main responsibilities
  • design and implement high-quality backend services
  • participate in code reviews and audits
  • work closely with devops / test engineers

desired skills

  • at least 6 years of experience in a similar role 
  • experience with go and/or python;docker, kubernetes;git and the related branching models;CI/CD systems;working in an agile setting
  • knowledge of cloud / microservice design patterns
  • preference for simple solutions that are improved in an iterative fashion
  • visceral rejection of gratuitous complexity and obsession with clean code
  • mad communication skills ideally coupled with a sense of humor
  • self-starter and able to work independently with minimal supervision

Interested? Please send your application to our HR-Partner,