Research Analyst - remote

Posted 2 years ago

Enactus is seeking an innovative individual who wants to make a powerful impact in the world through the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders. You are the perfect person for this role if you are:

·        a collaborative, hands-on professional with a passion for working in a dynamic, mission-driven team
·        a clear communicator who inspires confidence and demonstrates uncompromising integrity
·        excited about creating and supporting NextGen leaders to create powerful change toward a better world for all.

Enactus has staff across the United States, and we will accommodate the right candidate wherever based.


Today, Enactus is the largest experiential learning platform dedicated to developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and innovators with 72,000 students and over 500 corporate partners around the world. Enactus works on the ground in 35 countries and Enactus students created projects and businesses in 80 countries, positively impacting the lives of more than 1.3 million people last year.

To support Enactus student work, the organization has built an international network of purpose-driven business, academic and student leaders who are working to create a better, more sustainable world for all. Our Board includes executive leadership from companies including AIG, BIC, Boston Consulting Group, The Coca-Cola Company, KPMG and more, and our network includes business leaders across all sectors who believe in business as a force for good. 

To learn more, check out the Enactus YouTube channel and

This position is responsible for managing the collection and analysis of all student data for Enactus Global. 

  • Conduct literature review on measurement, impact evaluation and best practices in data collection
  • Develop and pilot survey instruments and implement them through Enactus+
  • Lead data cleaning and analysis
  • Compile and interpret findings through detailed reports and presentations
  • Identify and implement strategies to improve response rates on surveys
  • Work with network counties to oversee and manage student users on Enactus+
  • Develop and deliver training resources improve the overall data collection and interpretation process across the organization and country network
  • Perform other tasks as needed

  • Bachelor’s degree in economics or statistics or equivalent experience required
  • Prior experience with data analysis software such as R, Stata, Python or SPSS highly preferred 
  • Prior experience with Salesforce strongly preferred
  • Prior experience with Tableau and Survey Monkey desired

  • Strong organization and time-management skills
  • Solid communication and interpersonal skills
  • Must be able to multi-task, set priorities while maintaining strong attention to detail
  • Flexibility to meet continuously changing priorities and challenges
  • Ability to drive tasks and projects to completion
  • Strong overall technical background
  • Abilitytoworkindependentlyaswell as contribute to team collaboration

Benefits of Joining the Enactus Team 
  • A remarkable network of like-minded leaders dedicated to a better, more sustainable world
  • Competitive compensation and remote working conveniences
  • A unique opportunity to use your skills to help build a “once in a lifetime” transformation and the gratification that you will have a profound and positive impact on the lives of others