Remote Senior Frontend Developer for Likvido (VueJS/Vuex/Webpack/Sass) - remote

Posted 3 years ago
Remote Senior Frontend Developer for Likvido (VueJS/Vuex/Webpack/Sass)

Hello there! Are you ready for a really ambitious position as a senior frontend developer?
And yes, the role is fully remote, so you can do your job wherever you want;from the beach, the pyramids, even from the moon if you like (well, of course you need to have an internet connection).
Likvido is a (very) fast-growing startup. We are around 60 employees now, and we are aiming for a series A funding to realize our huuuuge ambitions for the coming years. 
We are now looking for a Senior Frontend Developer that can bring our visuals, UI/UX and frontend stack to the next level. 

Let’s be polite and introduce ourselves first - so who are we and what are we doing? 

Let's face it: accounting sucks. Entering data into a stupid system? Sending invoices? Trying to get the last decimals to match so your auditor doesn’t scream at you?
We would prefer spending time with family or friends. The same goes for our customers.
At Likvido we are automating accounting for our customers. We do this by having a super awesome product that helps you:
  • Send “smart invoices” that reconcile themselves 
  • Send automatic reminders for invoices that go unpaid
  • Pay your bills in Likvido so you don’t have to go to your bank (and the bills of course reconcile themselves)
  • Automatically scan all your receipts and bills so you don’t have to enter data again
  • Get paid if an invoice has not been paid on time through our debt collection system
If you really hate accounting, we also have an accountant service where our accountants take care of everything for a small price.
So to summarize what Likvido is doing:
We are letting you focus on what matters, instead of spending time on boring administrative work.

Tech stack
Our main application is a web application, where our customers can interact with the product. This web application consists of a VueJS frontend and an API - using the Backend For Frontend (BFF) approach. This means we are evolving the frontend and API in a symbiosis, where the API requests are tailored to the exact use-cases of the frontend. The styling of the frontend is a custommade look built with Sass and designed by our in-house UX/UI designer in cooperation with Studio Skulptur:

We use StoryBook to keep track of our Vue components. We are generally very open to adopting new technologies, whenever they provide some nice improvements over our current stack. One of the next steps we are considering is to upgrade from Vue 2 to Vue 3 as well as switching to TypeScript - but we need your input as well here!

You will join our current team, consisting of 9 colleagues, both frontend and full stack developers, plus a product team with UX/UI designers and product managers.

Being a Senior Frontend Developer at Likvido, your job is to build awesome products. We want to “wow” our customers.

Day-to-day that means you will:
  • Implement new visual changes (HTML + CSS + JavaScript preferably in Vue.js)
  • Be responsible for the frontend technical stack in the solution in cooperation with the current team
  • Make sure we continue building and improving our “nice and reusable” UI components
  • Make code-reviews and be responsible for the JavaScript &HTML+CSS in the solution
  • Help push forward our platform and codebase, to make sure it is easy to maintain and performs well

You will participate in the development process, just like your colleagues do, which means maintaining the current codebase, adding new features, doing code reviews etc. We are moving towards forming small autonomous teams, with a very high level of ownership and influence over the product and the technologies. This environment provides a lot of freedom for the teams to take control over their work, and let their creativity unfold.

We are looking for someone who can say “YES!” to the following:
  • I am a senior frontend developer with 5+ years of experience
  • I have multiple years of experience building a modern JavaScript stack. Also, I am familiar with build tools such as Webpack/Rollup and know how to set them up to use the latest JS features (ESNext) and new CSS specs.
  • I am up-to-date on the latest JS &CSS specs and know best practices around modern state management (like Redux, Vuex). This is important because we always strive to leverage the new technologies that make our lives easier.
  • I know how to set up a modern stack that makes use of client-side routing and offers all the things you’d expect from a modern SPA, such as offline-support, service workers, push notifications, etc.
  • Bonus: Experience writing unit tests as we want to cover the most critical areas with good tests, and we are already very far here

So without further ado: If you consider yourself a top frontend developer, and feel like having a very ambitious role is the next step in your career - APPLY!

  • You will work 100% remote along with our existing team
  • We work within CET office hours but are flexible to accommodate other schedules
  • We pay a good salary
  • We expect you to be fluent in English
  • The position is full-time
  • You manager will be operating from Denmark

Salary and compensation

🌏 Worldwide