React Front End Senior Developer - remote

Posted 2 years ago
We are TrueSpots, a startup in consumer travel. We are building an awesome travel planning experience based on high-quality video content. We are looking to hire someone who can be the lead engineer on our client side.

You should apply for this position if:
  • You're a great, experienced React developer
  • You want to be part of a small, remote team
  • UI and UX run in your veins. You care so deeply about the user's experience that sometimes you want to cry :-)

About TrueSpots
We are a 3-year old startup, but the TrueSpots product is pretty new. Before we rebranded to TrueSpots we were Avian, working on a completely different product in the travel space, until COVID came along. The Avian product is still alive and well thank you, but today we go by TrueSpots and focus mostly on building the TrueSpots product.

We are a small team (<10) and are fully remote. Most of our team is working out of Israel, but we are hiring from anywhere, as long as some common core working hours are tenable.

What You Will Be Building
We are building the world's next-generation travel planning website, built on high-quality videos by expert content creators. It's not officially launched yet, so we can't put a link here. But we'll give you access to our pre-launch site and share our broader vision as part of the hiring process.

It's awesome, really!

Your work stack will be React with TypeScript on NextJS.

This is a cloud-native product, running mostly in AWS and using various cloud services. The server side, if you care to ask, is NodeJS with Postgres. If you're interested in also working on the server side, let us know. We can evolve this position into a full-stack position.

Our Expectations and Values
We need you to be skilled in the React stack, and experienced in it for at least 4 years.

You should be able to take a Figma design, together with a short task description, and turn it into a working, pixel-perfect UI that looks and feels great.

We also need you to personally support and align with our values:
  • Customer focus: deliver something valuable and beautiful
  • Professionalism: focus on the task at hand, understand the context of what you're doing, and own your work
  • Communication: be transparent about what you're doing;ask questions and make suggestions;be kind and courteous
  • Be a great coder: work fast, write quality code, maintain code cleanliness, keep low technical debt
  • Teamwork: contribute to the success of the whole team 

What Working at TrueSpots Looks Like
You will be employed full-time and be paid a monthly salary.

You will be responsible for your own productivity, but we'll do our best to help you be as productive as possible. 

Much of the communication is done asynchronously: We use a task backlog on Airtable, designs on Figma, and text communications by email and Discord. This lets you move forward with your tasks without depending on someone else being online.

We also do online meetings. We do 2 daily standup meetings on Google Meet - and we expect you to attend at least one of them. We also do a weekly company all-hands, so everybody is aligned on our strategy and milestones. During core working hours we also keep Discord rooms running in mute, so in case you have a quick question to a teammate, and they are online, you can just unmute yourself and ask them over a virtual cup of coffee.

Our core hours are 9:30-19:00 Tel Aviv time (UTC+2/3). You need to be online 5 of those hours, so these online communications can happen. 

Our team meets face-to-face regularly. We aim to meet you and have actual, non-virtual drinks together at least once a year - hopefully more, depending on your location and COVID.

How To Apply
Please send an email to, with the following:
  • Your CV or LinkedIn profile link
  • A short and informal paragraph explaining why you think this position is a good match for you
  • A short paragraph giving us a clue what you're like as a professional
  • Here are some ideas for this paragraph:
    • Why you really love a certain open-source React library and why it's so unique
    • Something you contributed to an open-source library, and what made you care about it so much
    • Something very cool and useful we probably didn't know about Figma
    • Your favorite past project, and why it's so awesome
    • Why our site sucks and how you would make its UX much better
    • Why some site has the best UX ever and how you would make it even better
    • Anything else that shows us your professional skills and passions

    After You Apply
    We will reply only to candidates matching the minimum qualifications and who followed the application instructions correctly.

    Our process includes a personal interview, a professional interview, and some tests: a technical home exercise, and a short English test. Throughout the process you will have many opportunities to learn and ask more questions about us.